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Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.10.25 12:08:13 PM    文章主题: Re: 價格紛砍半 LED燈泡將引發大流行

Halogen-CFL Hybrid Light Bulb Gets Instant Full Brightness

Halogen-CFL Hybrid Light Bulb Gets Instant Full Brightness

General Electric's new halogen-compact fluorescent (CFL) light bulb solves the main complain people have about CFL: It takes too much time to achieve full brightness level. I don't care too much about that, but it's really neat looking.

Halogen-CFL Hybrid Light Bulb Gets Instant Full Brightness

It's very simple and clever. When you turn the light on, both the CFL and the halogen module light up. That makes the light obtain an optimal brightness level right when it gets turned on. When the CFL achieves full brightness, the halogen automatically shuts down.

GE says that these 15- and 20-watt hybrid lights could replace 60- and 75-watt incandescent light bulbs, with lower consumption and eight times their life span: 8,000 hours. No word about pricing or availability yet. [GE via Inhabitat]


發表 发表于:2009.10.07 12:06:10 PM    文章主题: 價格紛砍半 LED燈泡將引發大流行

Help! 受鄰家東飛燈籠公司委任(負責人已高齡83歲猶致力製作寺廟手繪燈籠)製作"感應自動播放音樂"部分,以加入寺廟燈籠,使進入之大德行近該燈1公尺時播放選定的樂曲)。 主功能為語音ic(如貴公司的HT83Fxx系列及同腳座燒錄器,鑑於各自需求的樂曲不同,必須能個別燒錄)6~10分鐘,外加感應器作功。 使用AC電源供電,(或音樂ic部分使用鋰電池或一般電池)。 煩有以教我,或願承製設計全部(除錄音部分) 盼回電23054952或我到貴公司面洽。謝謝! E-mail:yangym@anet.net.tw