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發表 發表於: 2012.08.28 05:21:10 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

宏碁看衰微軟平板, 還是被微軟看衰?
Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2012.06.25 12:12:01 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

微軟平板 宏碁看衰



發表 發表於: 2012.06.21 04:28:56 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?


這就說明怎麼會走向泡沫呢? 越來越多主角加入, 並不像之前的 NETBOOK

Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2012.05.25 12:12:43 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

傳 Google 平板 6 月開始出貨!首批產量 60 萬台



Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2012.03.20 06:08:02 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

新iPad 銷量破300萬




新iPad機體過熱 概念股發冷



New iPad 4G Teardown



Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.12.08 12:05:58 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

三星未來平板 透明可彎折



Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.09.29 12:15:30 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.09.21 12:09:04 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

客戶流失 RIM美銷售腰斬


RIM帶衰 廣達裁減代工人力



Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2011.08.22 12:07:33 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

iPad3 十月試產 明年上市



Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2011.08.19 12:09:21 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

HP不玩webOS! PC部門也考慮出售

Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2011.08.19 12:07:59 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

惠普買英國公司 停做平板





Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2011.07.20 12:07:50 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

Threatened by iPad, PCs start to look like tablets



Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2011.07.18 12:07:37 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

野村:非iPAd平板電腦 明年起飛


蘋果專利戰火 下波燒向平板?



Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.07.14 12:06:41 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

亞馬遜推平板電腦 大戰蘋果



Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.07.08 12:07:20 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

全球約 1% 的網絡瀏覽量來自 iPad , 且穩定成長


Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.06.23 12:15:05 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

亞馬遜預計8月推出自有品牌平板電腦 預售400萬台


Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.06.16 12:09:41 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?



Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.06.16 12:04:58 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

山寨平板電腦 市占近2成


Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2011.06.08 12:10:25 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

賈伯斯現身 親推新軟體與iCloud



Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2011.05.26 12:16:18 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?



Adam Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.05.26 08:57:30 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

iPad 2 明起臺灣開賣,預期將有購買潮。
Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.05.25 12:09:56 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?



台北國際電腦展 聚焦平板電腦



Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.05.25 12:05:04 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

2011 Computex Best Choice Award展前部份得獎產品介紹


Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2011.05.04 12:10:02 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?





Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.03.14 12:08:18 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

iPad 2 specs discerned, 900MHz dual-core ARM CPU and PowerVR SGX543MP2 GPU blow away graphical benchmarks



Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.03.03 11:53:04 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

Apple iPad vs iPad 2前後代規格比較


Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.03.03 11:51:31 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

平板四大天王:Apple iPad 2 vs Motorola Xoom vs HP TouchPad vs BlackBerry Playbook 規格對對碰


Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2011.03.02 12:07:40 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

蘋果將發表「iPad 2」 線上直播內容整理



Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.02.24 12:05:00 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

Nomad 電容式畫筆,讓 iPad 變成畫布

Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2011.02.17 11:52:04 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?




Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2011.02.17 11:51:10 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

MWC展快報-宏碁、華碩平板電腦 多機齊發



Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2011.02.17 11:47:07 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

BenQ推平板電腦 搶商機



Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.02.16 11:08:44 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?



Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.02.16 10:55:19 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

Widescreen(16:9/16:10) tablets are coming soon

The Galaxy Tab 10.1 from Samsung Electronics is one of many widescreen tablets poised to flood the market.

Hardware manufacturers bent on stealing customers away from Apple are designing their tablet computers with the movie watcher in mind.

An onslaught of new tablets are adopting a widescreen format instead of mimicking the iPad's display, which is shaped more like a standard sheet of office paper.

Shipments of tablets are expected to increase by 200% over last year, according to a report by research firm DisplaySearch. And tablets with wide screens are flooding supply chains, the report says.

Several companies showed off upcoming slates this week at Mobile World Congress, a massive mobile-tech conference in Barcelona, Spain. Three Android tablets from ViewSonic, Huawei and SmartQ vary in size but have widescreen dimensions in common.

Another trio of devices run Google's tablet-optimized operating system, called Honeycomb, and feature a similar film-friendly display. One such product, the Galaxy Tab 10.1, was announced by Samsung Electronics at the Barcelona show. Samsung describes the device as the "ultimate entertainer," with "full HD movies" listed as the top selling point on its promotional website.

Samsung's current tablets also have wide screens. In fact, those smaller devices very nearly adhere to a 16:9 aspect ratio, which is the format most movies are produced in. The Honeycomb tablets, with their 10-inch screens, are 16:10 in size and will need thin black bars to display the whole picture.

The iPad, meanwhile, has a 4:3 ratio. That's the same as what tube-screen TVs used until the recent switch to wider HD programming.

Those three types of screens -- the 9.7-inch one used by the iPad, as well as the 7- and 10-inch widescreens used by other tablets -- are expected to be the "dominant screen sizes," DisplaySearch said. (Anything larger than 10 inches in a widescreen format would be "hard to pull off," said Carolina Milanesi, an analyst for research firm Gartner.)

Considering that consumers shifted en masse to widescreen TVs over the last decade, some considered it surprising that, for Apple's forward-thinking tablet, the company chose the screen format that it did.

Watching movies and recent TV series on an iPad can be frustrating because users have to choose between large black bars on the top and bottom of the screen or cutting off a portion of the sides of the video.

"When Apple introduced its iPad in 2010, it once again shocked many industry observers by providing a standard (4:3) aspect ratio device, even as notebooks, monitors and TVs were moving to wide (16:9 or 16:10) formats," DisplaySearch wrote in its report. "The success of the iPad has sparked debates about the best display format for slates."

But the iPad's sheet-of-paper-like dimensions are useful for certain tasks.

"Applications such as e-mail and gaming work well with the current 4:3 aspect ratio," Dan Hays, a director at management consulting firm PRTM, wrote in an e-mail. "The question for manufacturers is how customers will use tablets once they are mainstream."

Hays' colleague, Huw Andrews, says consumers don't seem put off by the iPad's suboptimal format for showing movies. And that's certainly evident by the 15 million units Apple sold last year.

"At these larger screen sizes, watching widescreen video is a good user experience, even though it does not fill the entire screen," Andrews wrote.

Hewlett-Packard announced a tablet called the TouchPad last week. Like Apple's, HP's tablet runs a proprietary operating system, and it has the same screen dimensions and resolution of the iPad.

But other much-hyped tablets, like the BlackBerry PlayBook from Research in Motion and LG's G-Slate, have wide screens. Motorola Mobility's premiere Android Honeycomb tablet, the Xoom, also has a wide screen that's "optimized for high definition video in true 16:9 widescreen format," the company said.


Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.02.16 10:37:41 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

NVIDIA announces quad-core Kal-El SOC, promises it in tablets by August

So it turns out that NVIDIA roadmap we saw last month was as true and pure as driven snow. The barely conceivable quad-core Tegra chip that it listed has now been made official by none other than NVIDIA itself, with the company also informing us that the new silicon is already sampling out to prospective clients. Known as Kal-El internally, this will most likely turn into NVIDIA's Tegra 3 as and when it's ready to enter the consumer market. Tonight NVIDIA whetted our appetite for what's to come with a demo that can most fittingly be described as an exhibition of unadulterated computational muscle. A 2560 x 1440 stream was being decoded on a developmental device, scaled down to that slate's native 1366 x 768 resolution, and additionally displayed on a connected 30-inch, 2560 x 1600 monitor. That entire voluminous workload was being handled in real time by Kal-El and we saw no signs of it struggling.

By NVIDIA's own estimation, the quad-core newbie provides roughly double the processing power of Tegra 2 and triple the graphics-crunching prowess. In the second demonstration of the evening, we saw an instance of Great Battles Medieval -- ran at 720p with 650 enemy soldiers on the field -- on both a Tegra 2 and a Kal-El platform, which showed the baby superhero handily dusting its still very new brethren. This was in large part down to the full dozen GPU cores contained within Kal-El, though before you freak out about battery-draining insanity, NVIDIA claims things are much, much more efficient as well -- up to 12 hours of HD video playback are promised under the right circumstances.

It's a big fat wedge of awesome boasts we've heard from the GeForce maker today, however the company's given us a schedule to hold it to as well. The "August timeframe" is when the quad-core Kal-El is expected to land in tablets, while smartphones will have to wait until the holiday season to benefit from what's likely to be a slightly downgraded variant. Skip past the break to eye the future Tegra roadmap for the next few years plus video of the wildly impressive demos we were witness to.

Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2011.02.15 10:14:05 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

MWC11/平板電腦夯 Samsung、HTC爭出頭



Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.02.10 11:44:45 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?


運行webOS觸控板終於現身惠普向日益增長的平板市場交出了答卷惠普此番不再重蹈與微軟合作時的覆轍帶來了領先的配置輕鬆勝出目前的場上對手(Apple ipad以及其他尚未正式登場的選手摩托羅拉 Xoom和黑莓)。若同場競技很顯然蘋果的參賽者在記憶體(2561GB其他人的對比)和前置攝像頭上處於劣勢不過第二點應該能依靠即將到來的iPad 2扳回一城縱觀各主流產品可以發現他們均使用不同的平台和軟體看來今年夏天平板市場將上演一場系統大戰
Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2011.02.09 11:58:52 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

華碩已經備好對付 iPad 2的秘密武器 

       無論如何,平板電腦市場的絕對指針肯定是iPad,尤其隨著 iPad 2即將問世,這些視 ipad公司為參考對手的廠商也必須把目標轉換到iPad 2了。華碩董事長施崇棠在接受電腦世界專訪時透露,華碩已經備好足以抗衡iPad 2的秘密武器 - 沒意外的話仍是一款平板。而平板的核心則是目前最具競爭力(也是最多廠商採用的)Tegra 2。


而使用界面是重點,尤其如何整合二維與三維,以及文字輸入與多重任務等等,都是新的用戶界面所需要面臨的挑戰,然後施董事長不免再次稱讚一下蘋果(感覺華碩已經很習慣幫自己增添一點蘋果味?)。而被問到雲端世代作業系統方面,他認為將是由蘋果,谷歌以及微軟三分天下,其它作業系統可涉入的機會並不大,不過相較電腦世代由Wintel聯盟霸占,雲端世代則更為開放。另外,他個人預測需要配戴眼鏡的立體電視在2011年並不會太好過,因為趨勢似乎走向在小尺寸顯示器觀賞裸視三維。 (威峰)

Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2011.02.09 11:14:38 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

WSJ: iPad 2 in production, features FaceTime camera, faster processor

Oh look, what's this? The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the iPad 2 has entered production -- which exactly lines up previously rumored manufacturing schedules. According to the WSJ, the new edition of Apple's tablet will have a faster processor with a better GPU and more memory in a thinner, lighter package. There's also said to be a front-facing camera for video conferencing, but the much-discussed display resolution will remain "similar" to the current iPad -- which actually goes along with the most recent information we've gotten from our sources, who say that the next iPad will indeed stay at the current resolution, and that the higher-res display we'd heard about earlier may have actually been for a future model. As for availability, the WSJ says the new iPad will be on Verizon and AT&T, which certainly makes sense -- although it'll be interesting to see how Verizon handles positioning it against the upcoming Xoom, which Motorola is marketing in an aggressively anti-iPad manner. In any event, between the iPad 2, the Xoom, and whatever Palm has to offer tomorrow, this spring is about to get very, very interesting.
Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.02.01 11:46:56 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?




Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2011.01.28 10:42:37 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?




Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.01.21 11:34:57 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?




Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2011.01.19 11:04:38 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?


This Piano Doubles As One Sharp iPad Dock

This Piano Doubles As One Sharp iPad DockHow, how is it that the Ion Audio Concert Piano wasn't around when we put together our list of essential iPad accessories? Because this 88-key marvel wouldn't have just topped the list—it would've been the list.

Okay, so maybe an iPad dock that's also a full-size digital piano screams excess. But! This particular iPad piano dock also comes with an iPad app that teaches you how to play. Not to mention its "classic would-grain exterior," which looks not at all cheap, I promise. No pricing information yet, probably because something this silly-but-maybe-actually-pretty-awesome is priceless. [IonAudio via Born Rich]


Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2011.01.19 10:59:37 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

Acer 2011年中將用Sandy Bridge平板淘汰Netbook


Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2011.01.14 12:10:35 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

戴爾平板電腦 鎖定醫療與教育市場



Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.01.13 11:17:43 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

CES11/施崇棠:平板電腦 只會剩幾家



Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2011.01.06 11:17:55 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

CES 2011平板電腦機海戰 華碩4機齊發 聯想支援雙平台 微星內建微投影器



Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.01.05 10:54:55 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

CES 2011年將在元月6~9日在美國拉斯維加斯展開,為全球產業人士揭開年度重點開發方向,並宣示今年三大趨勢為:Tablet、Application、Internet-enabled everything


Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.01.04 11:16:27 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

What's all this #CES business about?

The Consumer Electronics Show, held this week in Las Vegas, helps set the tone for the year in technology.

(CNN) -- If you spend any time on the internet or with geeky friends this week, you're sure to come across an acronym that's pervasive in the world of technology each January: CES.

The Consumer Electronics Show, which officially runs Thursday to Sunday in Las Vegas, bills itself as the "world's largest consumer technology trade show." Others have called it a "gadget Super Bowl" and "Christmas morning" for nerds.

Really, just pick a metaphor and run with it.

"It's the World Cup of technology. It is the geek gathering for the world," said Gary Shapiro, head of the Consumer Electronics Association, which hosts the annual, international event. "And everyone touched by technology goes there, with over 120,000 people in one location. They're all there. It's the who's who of technology. Nothing replicates it."

There's some history to back up those comparisons. Commercial VHS, DVD and Blu-ray formats all debuted at the trade show. The personal camcorder, the Atari game "Pong," Microsoft's Xbox console and HDTV all chart their origins to CES, too.

The show essentially sets the year's tech trends, hitting on themes that will keep popping up and evolving all the way through the holiday shopping season. Last year at CES, 3-D television and tablet computers -- or at least the promise they represented -- were all the rage.

This year's show promises to be grander than those in recent memory, which suffered in attendance and scope in part because of the economic recession. About 2,500 companies will show off new tech toys at CES this year, Shapiro said, and their eye-poppingly opulent showcases will cover more than 1.6 million square feet of space at the Las Vegas Convention Center, which is up 11% over the size of last year's show.

"You can't even physically see the entire show in the four days of the show," he said, noting an issue that's always the talk of worn-out journalists and industry insiders who attend. "It's literally miles of exhibit space. There's over 20,000 products that will be introduced there. It's kind of overwhelming."

But bigger may not necessarily be better.

Ahead of the show, many bloggers and analysts are focusing not on the companies that will be at CES but the one that won't: Apple.

"Apple seems set to dominate CES once again next year, even though it won't actually attend the show," wrote a Computerworld blogger. Last year's CES was swirling with rumors about an impending Apple tablet device, which Apple CEO Steve Jobs unveiled as the iPad later that month.

This year, Apple "has two fangs to suck the blood out of CES," writes the blog TechCrunch, noting that two Apple rumors -- that it will soon announce an iPad 2 and an iPhone on the Verizon network -- may steal some CES thunder.

Apple is the world's largest tech company in terms of market capital. And, perhaps more important, it's arguably been doing more to advance consumer electronics hardware in recent years than Microsoft, Sony, Panasonic and the other big-name companies that exhibit at CES.

In 2007, Apple released the iPhone, one of the first touch-screen smartphones. Now everyone makes those. In April it began selling the iPad, the first successful touch-screen tablet computer, and created a market for an entire new category of consumer electronics.

Expect as many as 80 tablet computers to be on display at CES this week, said Shapiro. Bloggers have been calling this year's CES "tablet mania." But the iPad, the gadget everyone wants to compete with and that accelerated this frenzy for media-consumption devices, will be conspicuously absent.

Because it's so hot right now, Apple is able to take a go-it-alone approach to product releases, summoning the world's tech media to the Bay Area for press conferences that focus only on its new products and bottom line.

Others, however, still need the critical mass of CES to attract buzz.

Google is another missing player at the trade show, although its Android operating system -- which is competing most successfully with Apple's iOS -- will have a big presence at this year's CES, said Shapiro. That's because Google's Android powers many of the smartphones and tablets that aim to compete with Apple's products.

But Apple or no Apple, Google or no Google, CES still has a firm grip on driving the year's consumer technology trends and is worth the attention it gets, said Kurt Scherf, vice president and principal analyst at Parks Associates, a research group.

"It's large and exhausting but at the same time I really find it to be the most important (event) of the year in terms of how it generates excitement about what's possible with consumer electronics and services," he said. "It's a really exciting show."

Shapiro said CES will "knock your socks off." We'll find out in a few days.

Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2011.01.03 12:11:17 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

CES展6新技術 點亮電子



Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.01.03 11:07:45 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

宏達電HTC推平板戰 iPad ? Scribe將成宏達電首款平板名稱 ?


Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.01.03 11:03:02 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?



Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.01.03 10:53:48 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

Japan's DoCoMo new tablet aims to take on iPad

TOKYO (AFP) – Japan's top carrier NTT DoCoMo is to launch a tablet computer running Google software to challenge Apple's hot-selling iPad, a report said Saturday.

DoCoMo will marry the new Google-backed Android operating system with a device made by South Korea's LG Electronics to launch the product in Japan by the end of March, the Nikkei business daily said, without naming sources.

Users will be able to get on the Internet via DoCoMo's cellular connections, it said, adding pricing and other details were yet to be decided.

Google is expected to release a tablet-friendly operating system worldwide in early this year.

Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.01.03 10:49:33 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

ASUS’ EEE Pads to Quadruple-Team the Tablet Market
I’m sure Technabob himself will have more information on ASUS’ new tablet offerings when he goes to CES next week, but for now we’ll just have to be content with these pics, specs and speculation from Tech in Style and Engadget. It seems like the company that popularized netbooks will be releasing not one, not two but four different devices with tablet form factors.

First up we have the Eee Note EA800, a cross between an eReader and a tablet. It has a non-backlit TFT display with 2,450 dpi, 768×1,024 resolution. It’s powered by a 624MHz CPU, has a 4GB SSD, micro SD port, a camera, built-in mic, and Wi-Fi. As you can see, the EA800 has a stylus, and is clearly meant to be used as a digital notepad:

asus eee note ea800

Tech in Style was lucky enough to spend a week with an EA800, and they say that writing on it is a pleasure. The fast refreshing TFT screen and the CPU combine to minimize the lag in the device. The inclusion of a camera and mic means that you can take not just written notes but images and audio as well.

On the software side, the EA800 has a browser, a music player, a calculator, and support for a plethora of documents: ePub, PDF,  MP3, JPEG, BMP, GIF, PNG, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx and possibly more. ASUS claims that the EA800′s battery is good for about 13 hours, which is on par for tablets but not as long lasting as dedicated eReaders.

asus eee tablet with keyboard

Next up we have this mysterious device pictured above, which has at least one USB 3.0 port, a built-in keyboard, and what seem to be Android buttons. Below is another tablet; Engadget bets that this one has a keyboard that slides out, but we won’t be able to confirm that until next week.

asus eee pad with sliding keyboard

Finally we have a teaser clip from ASUS itself, this time outlining the capabilities of the Windows 7-based ASUS EP121 tablet, which seems to be ASUS’ main bet against the iPad and other current mainstream tablets. Unfortunately it’s all in (digital) chalk; there are no shots of the device itself.

Since we don’t have all the information yet, it might be possible that the EP121 is one of the two mysterious devices pictured above, but the thing is, the teaser doesn’t mention any keyboard, slider, swivel, detachable or otherwise. Check out the links below for more pics and info. Which tablet would you like to own in 2011?

[via Engadget & via Tech in Style (1) (2) (3) via Akihabara News]


Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2010.12.30 11:36:29 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

摩托羅拉三星,LG電子三巨頭 CES 2011將推出Android 3.0平板電腦



Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2010.12.29 11:57:42 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

華碩將在CES上展示的Eee Pad EP101TC平板電腦及附件


Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2010.12.28 11:41:27 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

Onkyo blesses 10.1-inch TA117 Android tablet with NVIDIA's Tegra 250

Lookin' to get a jump on the rest of the folks, eh Onkyo? Rather than waiting for CES to kick off next week, the aforementioned firm has just let loose its TA117, proving that it's totally kosher with supporting both Microsoft and Google in the tablet wars. A duo of models will be made available -- the TA117C3 and TA117C1 -- with both of 'em getting a 10.1-inch touch panel (1024 x 600 resolution), Android 2.2, NVIDIA's Tegra 250 (1GHz), 802.11b/g/n WiFi, Bluetooth 2.1+EDR, a microSD expansion slot, USB 2.0 connectivity (x2), HDMI out and a 1.3 megapixel front-facing camera. There's also a docking port to use with an optional stand, and if you're looking to spot the differences between the two models, the C1 is home to 512MB of DDR2 RAM alongside 8GB of integrated storage, while the C3 doubles up with 1GB of memory and 16GB of NAND. There's nary a word on price nor release, but we hear Samsung's Galaxy Tab is now feeling a bit small. If you know what we're getting at.
Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2010.12.28 11:37:26 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

IDC中國平板電腦市場 2011年增長率將達300%


Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2010.12.28 11:34:25 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?



Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2010.12.28 11:28:59 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?



Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2010.12.27 11:40:09 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

iPad 2 Specs, Speculation and Release Date Rumors
CES and MacWorld are just around the corner, so it’s time for all the rampant speculation to start heating up about what exciting new gadgets are coming out in 2011. Among the rumors, many signs are pointing to the release of a refreshed version of Apple’s iPad (aka the iPad 2), and here’s what I’ve been able to surmise.


After scouring the web for the various rumors about the iPad 2, these are my best guesses of what we’ll see in the iPad 2 when it is announced:

  • Front-facing 640×480 camera with FaceTime chat support
  • High-res camera on the back (resolution unknown, probably the same 5MP as the iPhone 4)
  • Dual-core CPU based on A9 ARM Cortex platform at 1GHz per core (likely to be branded “A5″ by Apple, just to confuse consumers)
  • Improved sound, with a larger speaker on the back left corner of the iPad
  • Addition of a 3-axis gyroscope to improve gaming and interactivity
  • RAM increase from 256MB to 512MB
  • Screen size will remain at 9.7-inches – no 7-inch or smaller version plannes
  • Possible increase in screen resolution, leveraging “Retina display” tech from iPhone 4 (I have my doubts on the ability to do this on a cost-effective basis yet)
  • Slightly reduced body size and a flat back instead of a curved one (time to buy some new cases)
  • MicroUSB port to meet European regulations on mobile device chargers
  • Announcement likely to come at MacWorld Expo between Jan. 26 and 29th, with the iPad 2 shipping sometime in February or March 2011.
  • Pricing likely to remain the same as 1st gen models

Several of the rumors (rear camera, speaker cutout and size change) are reaffirmed by this video of a supposed “Crystal Case for iPad 2nd Generation” in the works in China:

As is always the case with rumors and speculation, there’s a chance I could be completely wrong, but check back here at the end of January, and let’s tally up how many I got right.

It all sounds great to me, but what I really want – and know we won’t get – is an SD card slot, 4G data network, and Flash support.

[sources: MaxConsole, Ubergizmo, iLounge and Device]


Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2010.12.27 11:36:26 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

Fujitsu Lifebook T580 Tablet PC unveiled

Fujitsu Lifebook T580 Tablet PC

The Fujitsu Lifebook T580 is now available in North America. This 10.inch of a tablet computer weighs three pounds and comes equipped with the following:

  • Core i3/i5 processor
  • capacitive display
  • N-trig digitizer
  • 2GB of RAM
  • 160GB of storage
  • 5,800mAh six-cell battery
  • The Express Buy model costs $1,149 while the Core i5-loaded version is $250 more expensive.


    Tommy Chung
    發表 發表於: 2010.12.21 11:54:53 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    Kno tablets start shipping this week: quick, make desk space!



    Tommy Chung
    發表 發表於: 2010.12.17 10:43:33 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    The Best VNC Apps for Your iPad



    Tommy Chung
    發表 發表於: 2010.12.15 11:04:44 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    聯想拚蘋果 樂Pad、樂Phone上陣



    Tommy Chung
    發表 發表於: 2010.12.14 10:47:56 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    Microsoft to demo new slate PCs, Windows 8 tablet functionality at CES?

    The CES 2010 Ballmernote has become something of a black mark for Microsoft -- the company's delivered almost nothing in the year after Steve demoed the HP Slate and talked about future Windows 7 Slate PCs -- but as one would assume, Redmond's expected to pick up right where it left off in just a few weeks at CES 2011. According to the New York Times, Microsoft's prepping to explain how it will target the iPad with the help of a number of partners, including Samsung and Dell. While the article is quite vague, it looks like the keynote will include a few new tablet demos, including one of a new Samsung device that sports a "slick" slide out keyboard -- we'd put money on that being the 10.1-inch Gloria. The Times says the Samsung tablet (not to be confused with the Samsung Galaxy Tab) will run some sort of software layer when "the keyboard is hiding and the device is held in portrait mode," but Microsoft's is also reportedly eschewing a central app store for native tablet apps and instead encouraging software companies to build HTML5 -based web apps. That certainly sounds a lot Google's Chrome strategy (and a strategy that could backfire since HTML5 apps will work on Chrome OS devices and iPad equally well), but the Times' source didn't know if these "apps" would be ready for CES as they are "still in production."

    As far as we can tell, a lot of this is still built upon Windows 7, but it's also rumored that the Redmond gang will tease Windows 8 on stage -- something that sounds extremely plausible to us, since we've heard from numerous sources that Microsoft's real tablet strategy will rely on Windows 8 and a new all-touch interface that the company has been working incredibly hard on. While Windows 8 isn't due out until the later half of 2011 / early 2012, Ballmer would do well to use his CES time to tell us about Microsoft's "riskiest" product bet and finally do something to address Microsoft's notable absence from the modern tablet market. Of course, nothing's for sure, except for the fact that we'll be there, providing live coverage of the entire thing.
    Tommy Chung
    發表 發表於: 2010.12.14 10:43:08 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    微軟透露將推出新一代平板電腦對抗 Apple iPad


    Only Chen
    發表 發表於: 2010.12.13 11:36:13 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    美國運營商Sprint公司 明年將推出4G平板電腦


    Only Chen
    發表 發表於: 2010.12.13 11:34:38 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    平板取代個人電腦PC已成趨勢 最大輸家是戴爾惠普?!


    Tommy Chung
    發表 發表於: 2010.12.13 11:13:40 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    平板電腦崛起 左右記憶體消長



    Tommy Chung
    發表 發表於: 2010.12.13 11:04:47 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    Reuters: iPad 2 Has Two Cameras, Better Display, Coming Early Next Year

    We've heard these rumors in bits and pieces before, but today Reuters reports with conviction that the next will have front and rear-facing cameras, a higher res display, and will start production in the early months of next year.

    Reuters cites multiple supplier sources, two of whom said that production would begin soon for iPad 2. The next generation of Apple's tablet is expected to be thinner and lighter, with an improved screen resolution that will can hopefully keep up with the iPhone 4's retina display. Most importantly, it will add a front-facing camera to allow for video chat.

    It's everything you would expect, given Apple's track record of yearly product updates. But the more confirmation I get about an iPad 2 FaceTime camera, the more I start saving up my pennies. [Reuters]


    Only Chen
    發表 發表於: 2010.12.10 11:35:34 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?



    Tommy Chung
    發表 發表於: 2010.12.10 11:28:04 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    三星將推 10寸大號滑蓋智能機:凱萊平板


    Tommy Chung
    發表 發表於: 2010.12.10 11:26:19 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?



    Only Chen
    發表 發表於: 2010.12.09 11:13:54 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    Intel: Dell, Toshiba, Acer tablets coming in 2011



    Tommy Chung
    發表 發表於: 2010.12.06 10:35:39 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    資訊展湧12萬人 平板電腦熱銷   ViewPad人氣夯 2天賣千台




    Only Chen
    發表 發表於: 2010.11.30 11:35:26 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    iPad開賣 電信三雄資費拚場




    Only Chen
    發表 發表於: 2010.11.30 11:29:09 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?






    (5)Chrome OS




    Only Chen
    發表 發表於: 2010.11.30 11:13:21 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    平板2011年開打激戰 美國市場十大iPad殺手現身



    Only Chen
    發表 發表於: 2010.11.30 11:10:07 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    Tablets taking bite out of PC sales: Gartner

    WASHINGTON (AFP) – Worldwide personal computer sales are on track to set a new record this year but tablets like Apple's iPad are taking a bite out of the sector, technology research firm Gartner said Monday.

    Worldwide PC sales are forecast to total 352.4 million units in 2010, up 14.3 percent over last year, Gartner said, but down from the firm's previous 2010 PC sales forecast in September of 17.9 percent growth.

    In 2011, worldwide PC sales are forecast to reach 409 million units, up 15.9 percent over this year but down from Gartner's earlier estimate of 18.1 percent growth next year.

    "These results reflect marked reductions in expected near-term unit growth based on expectations of weaker consumer demand, due in no small part to growing user interest in media tablets such as the iPad," Gartner research director Ranjit Atwal said in a statement.

    "Over the longer term, media tablets are expected to displace around 10 percent of PC units by 2014," Atwal said.

    Gartner last month said sales of tablet computers like the iPad are expected to soar from nearly 20 million units this year to 55 million next year and over 208 million in 2014.

    Apple began selling its iPad in April and a number of other companies have since begun producing the multi-media devices, which can be used to surf the Web, read electronic books, watch video and more.

    Raphael Vasquez, research analyst at Gartner, said "PC market growth will be impacted by devices that enable better on-the-go content consumption such as media tablets and next-generation smartphones.

    "These devices will be increasingly embraced as complements if not substitutes for PCs where voice and light data consumption are desired," Vasquez said.

    Gartner said the PC industry was facing a number of challenges.

    While emerging markets were expected to gain over 50 percent of the total worldwide PC market by the end of 2011, Gartner said, "there is good chance that consumers (in emerging markets) will simply leapfrog PCs and move directly to alternative devices in the coming years."

    Gartner said consumers in the United States and Europe were postponing PC purchases because of economic uncertainty but "the bigger issue for PCs in the home market is consumers temporarily, if not permanently, forgoing PC purchases in favor of media tablets."

    "Media tablet capabilities are expected to become more PC-like in the coming years, luring consumers away from PCs and displacing a significant volume of PC shipments, especially mini-notebooks," Gartner said.

    "Media tablets are rapidly finding favor with PC buyers who are attracted to their more-dedicated entertainment-driven features and their instant-on capability," the research firm added.


    Only Chen
    發表 發表於: 2010.11.04 11:54:44 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    中國6成山寨廠 轉戰iPad



    Tommy Chung
    發表 發表於: 2010.11.02 10:08:06 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?




    Only Chen
    發表 發表於: 2010.11.01 10:12:41 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?


    .一台12 吋 Wintel 平板將在十二月量產,一月上市 ,據稱這台有得到微軟在觸控和 UI 方面的奧援。
    .一台九吋的 Armdroid-Tegra 2 平板,三月發表。
    .一台九吋的 Wintel 平板,三月發表。
    .一台七吋的 3.5G 平板,可以打電話,三月發表。
    .一台七吋的 Wifi 平板,三月發表。


    Tommy Chung
    發表 發表於: 2010.10.28 10:37:49 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    Telstra’s T-Touch Tab Android Tablet

    Before I type anything else, I just want to ask one question: who names their tablet the “T-Touch Tab?” Anywho, Telstra’s getting set to unveil just that pretty soon as not only their first Android tablet, but their first one with their name backing it. The Australian carrier could just be rebranding Huawei’s SmaKit 7-inch tablet, however. Not entirely unbelievable considering Huawei makes their money on producing cheap devices for carriers to sell under their own name. We can’t really say much for sure until we get an official confirmation, however, so take this for what you will.


    [via AusDroid]


    Tommy Chung
    發表 發表於: 2010.10.28 09:51:22 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    Acer 平板電腦產品線 11/23 發表,價格從 299 美元到 699 美元

    其實我們知道的,也就是上面說的那樣了。Acer CEO Gianfranco Lanci 告訴 Dow Jones Newswire 說該公司的第一批平板電腦將在 11/23 於美國紐約發表,價格從 299 到 699 美元不等。雖然沒有詳細的規格,但是如此一來我們就知道至少會有兩台以上的平板款式,而且價差如此地大,可見高低階間的規格有很大的差異。考慮到 Google 已經將薑餅人抬到了草地上,這個時間點對應上宏碁的發表日期應該不是巧合。何況屆時美國的聖誕購物季才正要如火如荼地展開,如果有更多家平板趕著和薑餅一起發表的話,不用等明年,今年底平板大戰就要開打啦!
    Only Chen
    發表 發表於: 2010.10.15 11:15:30 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    iPad熱賣 分食個人電腦市場














    全球最大的晶片製造商英特爾公司的執行長歐德寧(Paul Otellini)認為,平板電腦開創的是新市場,長期影響有限。不過隨著iPad成為製藥、教育和出版界新寵,創新用途層出不窮,平板電腦未來的走向及其創造的商機,都變得難以預料,也更令人期待。


    Only Chen
    發表 發表於: 2010.10.06 09:53:48 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    iPad adoption rate fastest in electronics product history


    (CNN News)

    Only Chen
    發表 發表於: 2010.09.29 12:16:48 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    惠普平板機定名PalmPad 2011年初發布



    惠普執行副總裁托德布拉德利首次表示他們的平板機產品將定名為 PalmPad,惠普已經提交PalmPad商標的註冊。

    托德布拉德利表示:“惠普未來的產品組合將會遠遠超出智能手機的範圍,我們將會在2011年初發布基於 WebOS的系統的PalmPad。”



    Only Chen
    發表 發表於: 2010.09.29 12:06:19 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    The next iPad: thinner, built-in camera, same screen size?



    Only Chen
    發表 發表於: 2010.09.28 11:41:32 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    挑戰蘋果 RIM推出平板電腦


    (法新社舊金山27日電) 黑莓機製造商行動研究公司(Research in Motion,RIM)今天公布1款觸控式平板電腦「PlayBook」,以搶攻商界用戶。










    Only Chen
    發表 發表於: 2010.09.28 11:32:13 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    鴻海獨享蘋果 拿下第二代Apple iPad (9.7吋)代工




    Only Chen
    發表 發表於: 2010.09.28 11:06:26 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    Apple's iPad Now at Work in the Canadian Government

    1 - Cover graphic - apple ipad now at work in Canadian Government - sept 2010 
    According to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, the Provincial Government of Saskatchewan has announced that their cabinet ministers and senior staff will be provided with iPads from Apple Inc. in an effort to reduce paper consumption.  


    Tommy Chung
    發表 發表於: 2010.09.27 11:15:00 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    宏碁淡出電子書 重兵搶攻平板電腦




    Tommy Chung
    發表 發表於: 2010.09.27 11:12:30 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    New Apple iPad Designs Surface with Landscape Docking & More



    Adam Chen
    發表 發表於: 2010.09.23 11:14:57 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    iPad將推訂閱服務 報業主管盼取得主控權








    根據美國聖荷西水星報(San Jose Mercury News)上周報導,蘋果希望取得訂閱銷售收益的30%、以及最高達40%的廣告營收。


    出版華爾街日報的道瓊斯公司(Dow Jones & Co)總裁拉森(Todd Larsen)在芝加哥高階管理者俱樂部(Executives Club of Chicago)表示,不要出讓對客戶的主控權,一旦同意在發行商和客戶的關係上出現第三方,將導致和客戶對話的方式破碎,這將是很艱難的運作模式。一旦交出控制權,要再重新取得和客戶的關係就很困難了。


    Tommy Chung
    發表 發表於: 2010.09.20 12:17:26 PM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?



    Is the Notebook Dying?

    Is the Notebook Dying?

    Yes. You can scream all you want, but yes, the notebook is dying.

    First it was the death of the netbook, and now analysts are piling on Best Buy's CEO remarks about iPad cannibalizing laptop sales by 50%.

    Morgan Stanley notes that notebooks' year-over-year growth was negative for the first time ever this August. They have gone as far as saying that "tablet cannibalization"—chiefly by Apple's (AAPL) iPad—is at least partially responsible."

    That growth is negative doesn't mean that notebooks are not selling anymore. We don't even know if the pattern will continue in 2011, although chances are that it will. But there is a pattern now. Actually, the pattern has been there for a while. Back in 2009, the Wall Street Journal was reporting on how companies like Verizon were replacing on-the-field laptops with Blackberrys. By the end of that year, they had switched 12,000 laptops to smart phones.

    Is the Notebook Dying?

    The news now is that the retail laptop market is not growing anymore, confirming that trend. In fact, growth has been steadily decreasing since March—even while new, faster, cheaper laptops have been introduced since then. The incoming September numbers show another 4% decrease. That's one of the reasons why manufacturers like Dell, Samsung, and HP are racing to get their own tablets in the market before Apple becomes unstoppable in this new computing world. If you think that HP wasn't thinking about this trend when they bought Palm, you are seriously mistaken.

    It's just evolution

    So, are tablets the end of the laptop? Perhaps it is too early to tell now—even with the loud and clear numbers—but yes, yes they are. Eventually, it will happen. New computing formats have been replacing old computing formats since the beginning of the information era.

    Just a few years ago, some people couldn't believe the desktop market was going to become stagnant. But it did, and today many people only use laptops. Just like when people couldn't believe that the command line was going to be replaced by the Graphical User Interface.

    The same will happen with tablets.

    Laptops will not disappear. Not now, not right away, and maybe not ever. Like the desktop, they will survive for years on different industries and enterprises. Eventually, however, I'm sure they will vanish completely except for a very few specialized niches, just like they have disappeared for many workforces who have moved from traditional computer platforms to smart phones.

    So what will happen with the keyboard, you ask? I can't type on a tablet! Well, I write for a living, so I understand that concern. I know I will keep using keyboards until new input methods replace them.

    But now think about the immensity of people who, unlike you and me, don't touch a keyboard at all or touch it just barely, to send "hey, see you at 5! LOL! xxxooo" mails or write Facebook messages or chat with contracted words and emoticons. Think about the majority of people who, outside their work offices, never touch and don't want to touch a keyboard. Think about the huge number of blue collar workers who don't use computers in their work, who just depend on their phones to communicate. Think about the increasing number of office workers who have moved from desktops and laptops to their smart phones. And in addition to all those, think about that big majority of consumers who don't give damn about computers.

    It's inevitable

    For those people, tablets are indeed the future. Because that's really all they need in their digital lives: A way to easily get their entertainment, communicate with others, and access their memories. And as tablets evolve, connecting to cameras, camcorders, smart phones, printers and AV systems, becoming hubs rather than just the end of a chain, that future will come even sooner than expected. Gene Roddenberry was right. [Fortune]


    Only Chen
    發表 發表於: 2010.09.15 11:46:10 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    Watch How an iPad Was Used to Paint This Stunning Hologram

    This video shows, without a doubt, the most magical thing I've seen the iPad do yet: creating a series of gorgeous, twinkling holograms, captured with long exposure photography as the iPad was moved through the air. Confused? Just watch.

    The video is a collaboration between Dentsu London and BERG, the latter of which is responsible for awesome projects such as BBC Dimensions and the Mag+ tablet concept.

    Of this latest feat, they explain:

    First we create software models of three-dimensional typography, objects and animations. We render cross sections of these models, like a virtual CAT scan, making a series of outlines of slices of each form. We play these back on the surface of the iPad as movies, and drag the iPad through the air to extrude shapes captured in long exposure photographs. Each 3D form is itself a single frame of a 3D animation, so each long exposure still is only a single image in a composite stop frame animation.

    When the individual words are writhing across the screen there's barely a trace of the iPad that made them. But my favorites are the final shots, where all three words appear together and you can see the ghostly forms of the people that are moving around the space to create them. Kinda spooky, very beautiful. [BERG and Dentsu London]


    Only Chen
    發表 發表於: 2010.09.15 11:33:16 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    每週電腦報:Android平板電腦挑戰 iPad需做十件事

    美國知名的IT雜誌“每週電腦報”網站今日撰文稱,目前,蘋果的ipad是世界上賣得最火的平板電腦,同時也是這一市場上最早開拓者,但隨著大量的Android平板電腦(如,三星銀河選項)的問世,ipad的地位面臨著嚴峻的考驗。不幸的是,對於這些機器人設備而言,想要挑戰 ipad還有很長的路要走。然而,這並不意味著 Android的平板電腦不能取得良好的銷量。實際上,這種情況很有可能發生,只要有正確的計劃並堅定不移的貫徹下去,任何公司都能在市場上同ipad一爭高下。在本文中,eWEEK的歸納出了十條準則,像三星,惠普,思科和戴爾這樣的公司都應該對此引起重視。




    觸摸屏未來的趨勢是大屏幕。蘋果的ipad已經向用戶證明了,9.7英寸的大屏幕所能提供的體驗是相當不錯的,它不僅能讓用戶觀看視頻,還能讓用戶很自然的輸入文檔和進行辦公。小一點的屏幕似乎更適合智能手機,而對平板電腦而言,一塊 10英寸左右的屏幕才是最舒服的大小

    運行的Android 2.2系統

    當戴爾在上月推出雷克平板電腦時,它犯下了一個最大的錯誤,即沒有運行的Android 2.2操作系統,而選擇的是1.6版本的Android,這一點使得條紋讓眾人大為失望。以後推出的機器人平板電腦必須吸取這次的教訓,運行的Android 2.2版本,因為它是目前最優秀,功能最豐富的版本,也是目前最有希望替代iOS 4的操作系統。


    就目前來看,Android的平板電腦的部分問題就在於它不能很好的進入企業市場。思科希望通過推出丘什平板電腦來改變這一局面,但就目前來看依然是獨木難支。如果想機器人要和蘋果平起平坐,那麼它在企業領域必須有一番作為。而ipad也不是一款最適合企業的平板電腦,許多公司還在猶豫是否需要採購 ipad。如果Android的平板電腦能夠提供更可行的辦公特性,那麼谷歌的這款操作系統肯定會給蘋果帶來很大的麻煩。


    Android 平板電腦要想吸引用戶,它必須系出名門,即它的製造商必須有多年的硬件生產經驗。雖然戴爾屬於這種情況,但它在推出條紋時犯下了不可饒恕的錯誤。現在,愛可視也打算推出平板電腦來碰碰運氣,但它並不具備戴爾在市場上的聲望。如果機器人想在平板電腦市場上取得成功,它還需要仰仗三星這樣的廠商來摧城拔寨。這也就是目前三星銀河標籤如此重要的原因所在。


    蘋果之所以能夠賣出如此多的ipad,其主要原因在於 ipad公司在推出時被吹得天花亂墜的宣傳攻勢。比如,說安培法是一種新鮮事物,它出自蘋果,能夠提供用戶期盼已久的功能。而就目前來看,這一宣傳策略的確很成功,所以說基於機器人系統的平板電腦同樣需要一個類似的宣傳策略。三星的平板電腦開了一個好頭,但目前仍未達到 ipad的宣傳力度。宣傳策略在平板領域有著舉足輕重的地位,所有的Android的廠商都必須記住這一點。


    所有看過蘋果 ipad廣告的人都知道蘋果在市場營銷方面做得有多成功。史蒂夫?7?4喬布斯(史蒂夫喬布斯)一貫要求公司的廣告要簡單有效,從而給用戶留下更多聯想的空間,未來推出的新款機器人平板電腦很有必要模仿蘋果的廣告策略。消費者希望被廣告所吸引,他們也更願意購買相關的產品。機器人廠商需要有效的利用這一點。



    數量取勝 (如智慧型手機的機海戰略)



    ipad並不完美,其中一個問題就在於它只支持AT&T公司的3G的網絡,正是因為這一點,一些公司和用戶都不願意購買 ipad的3G,因為 AT&T公司的3G的覆蓋範圍有很多缺陷。如果機器人平板電腦可以運行在Verizon公司的3G的網絡上,這將獲得很大的競爭優勢。各大機器人廠商必須牢記這一點,從而找出自身產品有別於 ipad公司的賣點。
    Tommy Chung
    發表 發表於: 2010.09.10 11:26:41 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    Samsung hoping to sell 10 million Galaxy Tabs

    Samsung Galaxy Tab

    We’ve got no word when the Samsung Galaxy Tab will finally arrive, as well as, it’s pricing but Samsung is very positive that the tablet computer will sell. In fact, the company is expecting to release about 10 million units of Galaxy Tab.

    This is, according to Hankil Yoon, Product Executive of Samsung, who also expects to grab the third of the tablet market globally.

    Samsung is also planning to launch other Galaxy Tab devices soon. For now, they’d better make clear the pricing and release date of the Android tablet first.


    Tommy Chung
    發表 發表於: 2010.09.09 10:39:16 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    Rydeen rolls out Android tablet

    I’ve lost count of how many Android tablets have been introduced already but here’s another one from Rydeen. The tablet computer features the following:

    • 7-inch TFT resistive touchscreen display
    • 800 x 480 pixel resolution
    • 800MHz Marvell Armada 166 processor
    • GPS
    • WiFi
    • Bluetooth
    • two USB 2.0 ports
    • 3.5mm headset jack
    • 2GB RAM
    • microSD card slot
    • front-facing camera

    Officially called as the gPad GCOM701, this Android tablet will officially be released this November. Pricing is still unknown though.


    Only Chen
    發表 發表於: 2010.09.08 10:47:18 AM    文章主題: Re: iPad帶領平板電腦產業走向泡沫?

    iPad與平板電腦(行動裝置)盛行  導致 DRAM的價格下跌
    “路透社”報導,由於 iPad受到越來越多顧客的喜愛,從而影響了個人電腦的銷量,導致市場上的動態隨機存儲器(DRAM)的供大於求,DRAM內存的價格也因此而下降。

    自蘋果推出iPad以來,三星,諾基亞,LG電子和戴爾爭相效仿,希望能搶占平板電腦市場的一部分。由於平板設備使用的內存記憶體要比PC電腦和筆記電腦少一些,製造商都紛紛投入到平板設備的生產了,而且鑑於 iPad的流行,PC電腦製造商自然不敢過多地生產傳統電腦。據悉,三星明年計劃投資 30萬億韓元生產晶片,這也是導致 DRAM的囤貨的首要原因。

    6月,喬布斯預言 iPad的出現讓人們從個人電腦時代轉入平板時代。他將此比作往昔美國的汽車行業。最初大部分交通工具是卡車,因為大多是供農民使用,但是隨著城市的發展,汽車開始流行起來。個人電腦就像卡車,儘管個人電腦不會消失,但使用人群會變得很小。