


现任宝元数控股份有限公司研发处副总经理。 学历:国立台湾大学机械研究所自动控制组硕士毕业。 经历: 1.宝元数控核心软体课课长。 2.宝元数控研发部经理。 3.宝元数控生产营运处处长。 4.宝元数控研发处副总经理。

相馬知也‧NECAI・Analytics事業開本部 資深資料分析師

综合网路运用管理系统架构设计与开发、相关技术课题分析解决与协调客户管理。 日本最早期电力方面的自动检测系统(现以改为智慧电表)开发、运作管理、资料分析与架构设计。 从2010年开始进行生产工厂与发电厂的不变量数据分析研究,以及核能发电专案的资料分析, 以及日本国内外发电厂的不变量数据研究与应用


Dr. C. C. Cheng is currently distinguished professor of Department of Mechanical Engineering at National Chung Cheng University (CCU). He received his 1985 B.S. from National Cheng Kung University, 1990 MS and 1994 Ph.D. from North Carolina State University (USA). He worked as Adjutant Professor in Dept. of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering at Pennsylvania State University (USA) in 2005, and Chairman of Department of Mechanical Engineering from 2009 to 2012 and Acting Director of Graduate Institute of Opto-Mechatroics from 2017 to present at National Chung Cheng University (CCU). He received Outstanding Engineering Professor Award from the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers in 2015 and now serves as an editor of Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers. He also is a reviewer for many Journals, such as Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, ASME, ASA, Journal of Sound and Vibration, etc. His industry background has included the work in General Electric Co. (USA) and Ford Motor Co. (USA). He also serves as technical consultant of several machine tool companies in Taiwan. Dr. Cheng's technical interests lie in the areas of structural acoustics, vibration, smart sensing and machine health diagnosis and prognosis. He has authored in excess of 90 professional articles including archival journal papers and professional conference articles in these areas.

藍坤銘‧工研院巨資中心 技術副組長

毕业于清华大学工业工程系,毕业后进入工业技术研究院,以影像处理开发为研究方向。 于101年与其原工研院组长共同带领中心数位专业同仁成立一家专业影像技术加值服务的新创公司: 一二三视股份有限公司,专注在“嵌入式影像分析技术平台”的开发、制造、销售与服务,技术研发及在地化服务,提高国内相关安全监控产业智慧化国际竞争力。也在当年获得潘文渊文教基金会 年轻研究创新奖得主。 106年任职于工研院巨量资讯科技中心,担任技术副组长一职。致力于推广人工智慧技术于台湾相关产业上的应用,如今所带领之相关团队,也在106年11月获得R&D 100国际大奖,且在107年11月该所属团队也拿下国内相关大数据分析之两项大奖。 常受邀于各个协会演讲推广人工智慧技术,本身也是该领域的专家,进而常受邀于各大企业内提供相关技术咨询、教育训练的专家。
