Proper noun
P2P-file exchange
"P2P", it simply is peer-to-peer-to peer-to-peer connection software ", which means" the use of the end "" Using end "(Client to Client) communications technology that allows all devices without going through the centralserver, will be able to directly Unicom spread information.
"P2P", it simply is peer-to-peer-to peer-to-peer connection software ", which means" the use of the end "" Using end "(Client to Client) communications technology that allows all devices without going through the centralserver, will be able to directly Unicom spread information.The advantage of the central server can reduce costs and avoid a single point of server failures caused by network problems. Common P2P applications in addition to Napster, Kazaa and other music download software, users can also directly interconnected action, instant messaging such as ICQ, AOL, MSN Messenger. This mechanism will play a role in the field of mobile communications, such as PDA and mobile phone use. Microsoft Net meeting is to allow the user to know where the other user's IP server to identify the identity and confirm the location of the recipient, through broadcast data transmission. The famous Napster use of data-centric model, allowing each user to contribute their own data, and search for the information they want, and then be downloaded by other users endpoint, driven by the Internet music file sharing craze, not only so that the wisdomproperty rights become an important issue, but also to the music industry, as the P2P file exchange technology as the enemy, has caused considerable controversy. Developed P2P software vendors such as Sun Microsystems, Microsoft, P2P technology added new features to meet the commercial environment, P2P With more business practicality, no longer purely as a file exchange tool.