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Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.07.30 10:46:26 AM    文章主题: Re: 小筆電的高峰期已過 平板電腦是幫兇

$150 tablet may narrow digital divide 
By Amy Gahran
July 29, 2010

(CNN) -- It's not as fancy as an iPad, but it's far more affordable: Kmart's July 25 circular advertised a 7-inch tablet by Augen running the Android operating system.

The GenTouch78 is on sale through July 31 for $149.99.

That's far less than the cost of a laptop computer, and significantly less than the cost of a typical netbook. It's even less than the up-front cost for many popular carrier-subsidized smartphones -- and it doesn't require a pricey monthly contract.

In fact, this device is roughly the size and cost of the Wi-Fi version of the latest Amazon Kindle. It's small enough to carry in a purse, and light enough to hold up easily if you're lying down in bed to read.

All of this puts the GenTouch78 in a very interesting market position. It's a net-enabled tablet that is truly affordable for a mass consumer audience. In this unboxing video, YouTube user MrJn7 compares the Android tablet to his iPad and notes that while the iPad functions more smoothly and has a more compelling display, you can buy three GenTouch78 tablets (and then some) for the price of the least expensive iPad model.

This tablet certainly has some shortcomings. According to MrJn7's video, the touchscreen is plastic (not glass) and requires a much firmer touch than the iPad. It even comes with a stylus, which seems like a technological throwback.

Furthermore, the Android operating system may not be as intuitive as the Mac OS -- although it probably is not more difficult than Windows, which has been the choice of cost-conscious computer users for decades.

The big deal is: Devices like this -- and rest assured, there will be many more of them -- can help address the class biases of technology and bridge the digital divide.

Tablets like the GenTouch could become popular among people who have never owned a computer, or who own a computer and just want light web access on the go. I could see them becoming popular with teens and students, with seniors (who often feel overwhelmed by learning a computer), or anyone who wants more than an e-reader but less than a netbook as long as it's inexpensive.

I also could see this kind of device catching on among businesses and organizations where people must walk around while recording or accessing information. I could envision cost-conscious shoppers opting to meet their communication needs via a small Wi-Fi tablet plus a no-contract, simple-feature phone -- and not feeling left behind by the smartphone craze.

I'm sure that some people who are accustomed to laptops and smartphones will scoff at the GenTouch78 and its inevitable successors as underpowered cheap toys. That's fine. They're not the target market.

The target market, I think, is people who just want good-enough, easy internet access for the lowest cash outlay. That's a big market -- one that probably includes people who wouldn't ever purchase a computer, netbook, or smartphone.

The catch, of course, is Wi-Fi access -- which is still far from ubiquitous in many areas. It's is often available for free at schools, libraries, and many kinds of businesses; but it's a bigger hurdle for people in rural or poor communities.

So far, tablets (even the iPad) are mainly intended for media consumption, simple interaction, and light content creation or curating. They aren't good for writing a book, manipulating a big spreadsheet or editing a podcast. But they are good enough to allow considerably more people to do considerably more online, affordably, and with fewer obstacles than most phones present.

At the moment, the GenTouch78 is not actually on Kmart's shelves. The retailer is issuing rain checks for this offer. (See the Kmart blog for details.) And it's unknown what Kmart's price for the tablet will be after July 31.

But remember, this particular product is just a starting point. It'll be interesting to watch this market develop -- and to see how people put these cheap tablets to use.

Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.07.28 12:07:22 PM    文章主题: Re: 小筆電的高峰期已過 平板電腦是幫兇

摩托羅拉 11月推的Android 3.0平板電腦挑戰 iPad ?


7月28日消息,據國外媒體報導,近日有市場分析人士透露,摩托羅拉很有可能在今年年內推出一款基於 Android OS的10英寸平板電腦,而此款產品或將成為 iPad的直接挑戰者之一。

美國投資銀行羅德曼&倫肖的分析師阿紹科庫馬爾(阿肖克庫馬爾)以及另一位市場分析師羅格克倫肖(羅傑克倫肖)均表示摩托羅拉將於今年11月左右推出一款支援Android 3.0的平板電腦產品。目前摩托羅拉首席執行官桑傑吉哈(桑傑•賈)對此不置可否,但外界普遍認為上述消息可信度極高。


事實上,摩托羅拉完全可以利用自身與美國本土動網運營巨頭(例如Verizon Wireless)的良好合作關係來保證數十萬部Android產品的銷量,同時其也將順利接收華為以及法國愛可視Archos公司在美國本土市場上所喪失的市場份額。


Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.07.28 11:42:51 AM    文章主题: Re: 小筆電的高峰期已過 平板電腦是幫兇


Augen's $99 GenBook smartbook preview

That's right, not only does Augen -- a company unbeknown to us before yesterday -- make an $150 Android 2.1 tablet, but the company is also stocking Kmart shelves with a $99 Android smartbook of sorts. How'd we find out about this one? Well, when we headed to our local Kmart in hopes of picking up the 7-inch tablet, one last, very lonely GenBook 74 was dwelling on the shelf. We aren't the kind of people that could just leave the little guy there all alone, so $100 later we were the proud owners of a 7-inch, Android 1.6 clamshell device. Is the little laptop really capable of surfing the web and downloading apps, or would your hard earned cash be better spent elsewhere? Find out after the break.

  • Look and feel - Upon tearing the GenBook's box open, we realized we'd looked this little laptop in the face before. It looks strikingly similar to CherryPal's $99 netbook, which we saw back in April, and we actually assume both Augen and CherryPal are using the same ODM. Regardless of where it comes from, it's insanely miniscule and light. And well, those are pretty much the GenBook's only redeeming qualities in terms of design, since the plastic gadget feels more like a Playskool toy than a legitimate computer. Actually, in terms of make, it feels more like $85 than $100. To its credit, it's surrounded by three USB ports, an SD card reader as well as Ethernet, headphone and microphone jacks.
  • Keyboard and touchpad - The 7-inch device is a huge throwback to the early days of netbooks. The keyboard is incredibly tiny, and we almost forgot how much we had to cramp up our fingers to type back in the day of the Eee PC 701. It would have been nice to see some dedicated Android shortcut buttons, but the left arrow key does double as a Home button. The touchpad is flanked vertically by right and left mouse buttons. The pad itself has a mind of its own and randomly decides to make selections at times, but you can always attach a USB mouse! Yep, it works.
  • Android experience, apps - The smartbook comes preloaded with Android 1.6, and the home screen has a unique dock with shortcuts to the browser, Google Maps, email, etc. The experience is nothing new to any Android user, but getting applications is easier said than done. Even though it comes with two app stores -- one dubbed Apps Store and the official Market -- we couldn't get either of them to install apps correctly. We're still working on it, so hold tight for an update soon. Still, the machine comes preloaded with Gmail, DocumentsToGo, iReader, a video player, etc. Yeah, we got excited about the YouTube app on the homescreen, but it's definitely not the official app and the videos refused to play.
  • Performance - It will probably come as no surprise that the GenBook, which is powered by a 400MHz CPU and 128MB of RAM, is slow. No, like really slow. It takes about a minute and a half to boot up and toggling through menus is downright laggy. We didn't have to wait all that long for webpages to load over WiFi, but the machine starts quitting programs when it's asked to do too much at the same time. We were fine sending an email in Gmail and listening to an MP3 in the background, but that's about the extent of it. Oh, and playing an MP4 video was a terribly choppy experience.
So, is the GenBook worth your $100? Depends on what you need this thing for -- it's alright for looking up a quick website here and there, and we assume if you can get some light apps running on it, it could be a decent single-function device. However, if you're looking for something that can provide decent video playback and be more of a multitasker, it's probably best to save up an extra $100 and get something a bit more substantial (like a bona fide netbook). Oh, and you'll want to stay tuned if you're hoping to discover whether Augen's $150 Android 7-inch tablet is in fact that better choice.

Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.07.15 11:22:17 AM    文章主题: Re: 小筆電的高峰期已過 平板電腦是幫兇

高盛稱 : iPad將顛覆NetBook及NoteBook市場

據國外媒體報導,高盛週三發表報告稱,iPad將顛覆NetBook及NoteBook市場 。

高盛在報告中指出,與NetBook與NoteBook相比,Apple iPad的大螢幕以及虛擬鍵盤使之與電視的使用方式更為接近。用戶使用電視主要是為了觀看節目,而不是創作。高盛表示,這也使iPad在內容方面顯得尤為重要,通過直接訪問 iTunes時,iPad用戶可以很方便地從蘋果應用商店獲取內容,科技Blog矽谷內幕創始人兼首席執行官亨利布羅吉特(Henry Blodget)稱:“在用戶和大量為 iPad定制的內容之間,蘋果提供了一個使用非常方便且直接的渠道。“

和NetBook與NoteBook無法提供統一的的3G和Wi - Fi無線連接不同,iPad同時提供了這兩種上網方式,以確保用戶可以與外界網路一直保持連接。高盛還表示,iPad的優勢還在於其啟動方便,無需像NetBook與NoteBook那樣等待系統啟動。此外,iPad的電池續航時間也是NetBook與NoteBook的2~5倍。

蘋果也大大簡化了用戶通過 iPad購買應用的流程,從而使用戶只需一次點擊即可獲得想要的應用,這也降低了用戶改變主意或放棄購買的機率。

Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.07.06 10:51:50 AM    文章主题: Re: 小筆電的高峰期已過 平板電腦是幫兇

德國推出 Android Tablet - SmartPad


Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.07.06 10:49:18 AM    文章主题: Re: 小筆電的高峰期已過 平板電腦是幫兇

LG將推出 Android OS 平板電腦

Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.07.01 11:12:24 AM    文章主题: Re: 小筆電的高峰期已過 平板電腦是幫兇

下一代 iPad可能放置三軸以上陀螺儀晶片

Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.06.21 11:39:03 AM    文章主题: Re: 小筆電的高峰期已過 平板電腦是幫兇



Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.06.18 12:16:56 PM    文章主题: Re: 小筆電的高峰期已過 平板電腦是幫兇

另一因素可能是改買AIO PC或智慧型手機等行動裝置吧!!
Adam Chen
發表 发表于:2010.06.18 11:18:26 AM    文章主题: Re: 小筆電的高峰期已過 平板電腦是幫兇

Will tablets surpass netbooks in two years?

Email IM .Share
The tablet revolution is just getting underway — Forrester Research estimates that 6 percent of computer sales this year will be in the tablet format — but watch out: By 2012, the firm figures, tablets will be outselling netbooks/mini-PCs, gobbling up 18 percent of the market.
And that could be just the beginning: According to TechCrunch, Forrester believes that a year after that, in 2013, tablets will outsell desktop computers, making tablets the No. 2 form factor of choice for computer buyers.

(From : Yahoo!U.S.A.)


Adam Chen
發表 发表于:2010.06.07 12:10:37 PM    文章主题: Re: 小筆電的高峰期已過 平板電腦是幫兇

Sharp 的 裸視3D 平板電腦

Adam Chen
發表 发表于:2010.06.03 12:12:30 PM    文章主题: Re: 小筆電的高峰期已過 平板電腦是幫兇

Apple賈伯斯近日表示:平板電腦將取代NetBook or NoteBook
Adam Chen
發表 发表于:2010.06.03 10:16:01 AM    文章主题: Re: 小筆電的高峰期已過 平板電腦是幫兇

ASUS 及 LG 平板電腦已確認

Adam Chen
發表 发表于:2010.05.20 10:46:41 AM    文章主题: Re: 小筆電的高峰期已過 平板電腦是幫兇

Nvidia's Android Tablet

內有8.9英寸的 PANEL,是Nvidia Tegra 2,核心是雙核心的ARM Cortex 9 - 1晶片,先進的RAM,2個USB ports和一個前面對鏡頭。

Adam Chen
發表 发表于:2010.05.19 09:06:50 AM    文章主题: Re: 小筆電的高峰期已過 平板電腦是幫兇


此次Computex 2010的平板電腦,國內外各家傳統電腦大廠應會精銳盡出.相當有可看性.

Adam Chen
發表 发表于:2010.05.14 12:11:43 PM    文章主题: Re: 小筆電的高峰期已過 平板電腦是幫兇

Adam Chen
發表 发表于:2010.05.13 12:18:40 PM    文章主题: Re: 小筆電的高峰期已過 平板電腦是幫兇

英特爾(Intel)2010年5月11日公開自家設計、採用雙核心處理器的平板電腦,將於台北國際電腦展(Computex 2010)正式亮相,顯示Intel將尬Apple iPad.
Adam Chen
發表 发表于:2010.05.11 10:36:12 AM    文章主题: 小筆電的高峰期已過 平板電腦是幫兇
