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Only Chen
發表 发表于:2011.06.21 12:10:36 PM    文章主题: Re: IPv4位址將耗盡 台灣應加速IPv6過渡步伐

26年大變革 網域名稱大解放



Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2011.01.24 11:39:25 AM    文章主题: Re: IPv4位址將耗盡 台灣應加速IPv6過渡步伐

IP位址荒 將改採IPv6



Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.10.19 11:25:04 AM    文章主题: Re: IPv4位址將耗盡 台灣應加速IPv6過渡步伐



這是因為負責管理這些網址的因特網名稱與號碼指配組織(互聯網地址分配公司名稱和號碼; ICANN)的計劃大幅改寫網址規則,降低。com的重要性。


這將是一項重大改變,尤其是對必須捍衛自家品牌的商家而言。以下是有關 gTLD的未來影響的常見問題集(FAQ)的:



以往商家爭先恐後註冊.com地址,或向捷足先登者購買。但以後想擁有自己的通用頂級域名,必須向ICANN的申請,費用高昂:申請費就要185萬美元,每年另外再繳 2.5萬美元。若有其它人競逐同一網域名稱,將以競標方式決定贏家。若要在頂級網域名稱之上再建立次級網域名,前50000個免費,之後每個收費 25美分。



在9月份的會議中,ICANN的表示,估計每年可以增加大約 1000個新網域名。









品牌塑造公司CTCorsearch副總裁 SteveStolfi則認為,通用頂級域名“將徹底改觀因特網景觀,以及未來的網絡商務活動。”他舉例說,未來公司可以藉此提供更個人化的網絡服務,舉一家知名啤酒商為例,該公司可以擁有。安海斯,然後為旗下所有品牌產品逐一建置網址 - 百威啤酒。安海斯,michelob.anheuser - Busch公司,corona.anheuser - Busch公司等等。銀行業者甚至可為每個客戶建立專屬域名,以強化安全性。





另一頂級域名.org的的營銷與產品管理總監蘭斯 Wolak說:“今天,商標所有人為了保護自家品牌,而買下網域名稱。隨著新的通用頂級域的推出,他們將必須買下更多。前頭還是有一些挑戰。“




答:未來,新的通用頂級域名可能變得更有影響力,但此刻就說.com作為頂級域名的地位將式微,還言之過早,畢竟今天的網絡使用者已習慣了這種 www.companyname。 COM的網址,而.com仍然很值錢。



Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.07.26 10:42:36 AM    文章主题: IPv4位址將耗盡 台灣應加速IPv6過渡步伐

(CNN) -- Don't panic, but we're running out of internet addresses. Not domain names -- those website names that you see at the top of this page and which always start with some semblance of "http://" and "www." We've got plenty of those. But, according to statements from prominent internet thinkers this week, we may run out of internet protocol -- or IP -- addresses in less than a year. IP addresses are numbers assigned to all of the devices -- computers, phones, cars, wireless sensors, etc. -- that log on to the internet. According to the blog ReadWriteWeb, the internet is changing and evolving so quickly -- with so many new types of devices connecting -- that we're running out of numbers to assign to all of these Web-enabled electronics. "The main reason for the concern? There's an explosion of data about to happen to the Web thanks largely to sensor data, smart grids, RFID and other Internet of Things data," Richard MacManus writes on that site. "Other reasons include the increase in mobile devices connecting to the Internet and the annual growth in user-generated content on the Web." Only 4 billion internet addresses are possible under the current system, and those will all be exhausted in less than a year, John Curran, president and CEO of the American Registry for Internet Numbers, told ReadWriteWeb. In a recent statement on YouTube, internet luminary and Google exec Vinton Cerf makes a similar prediction. "We are at a cusp, I think, in the IP address space for internet," he said, noting that, if nothing changes, a "black market" for these internet addresses may develop. So what should we do about this numbers shortage? Well, make more numbers for starters. Our current system for assigning IP addresses, which look like a series of four numbers with periods between them, can only handle 32 bits of data. But, to accommodate the sprawling nature of the Web, internet researchers are working on a new version of the system -- called IPv6, for "version six" -- which would allow many more IP addresses, with each holding 128 bits of info. On The Atlantic's website, Alexis Madrigal writes that the situation is somewhat similar to what phone companies faced in the 1980s and 1990s: We ran out of new phone numbers, so we had to add digits. "The problem is essentially the same: you only have so many unique slots, and those slots eventually run out as phone numbers proliferate," he writes. But the current situation has proven more technically complicated than that. Researchers have been working on IPv6 for more than a decade, but according to reports on the matter, adoption has been slow. Now, some writers are comparing the situation to Y2K. They say we need to act now to shift to the new system or the internet might stop working. Madrigal, for one, says he's optimistic the internet won't break because of a lack of IP address numbers. "There are undoubtedly a swarm of issues leading to IPv6 underdeployed," he writes. "But that's actually good news because it means there will be plenty of ways to fix the problem when everyone swings into action."