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Core i7的時代意義

【CTIMES/SmartAuto 報導】   2008年12月01日 星期一


「希望藉由Core i7的推出,為這個有點寒冷的冬天,帶來一點溫暖。」這是英特爾在Core i7的上市記者會上所說的一段話,而這段話更是一字字的說進所有PC製造商的心坎裡。的確,在這個經濟大蕭條的時刻,PC市場真的需要一個能振奮人心的產品,而Core i7正適時的扮演起這個救世主角色。除了替市場帶來「溫暖」之外,Core i7對於桌上型電腦市場更有著時代上的意義,它象徵著Desktop將正式走向超高效能導向,及以真正的多執行緒時代。


不管是被稱作「愛妻」或者是「哀戚」,Core i7身為英特爾新一代微架構Nehalem的開路先鋒,無疑已經起到一定的市場宣傳作用,顯示消費者對於這顆劃時代的CPU的確是充滿興趣。而英特爾則給這顆處理處冠上更大的帽子,號稱是「地表上最快的處理器」,並在多項性能測試上,都創下了絕無僅有的新紀錄,其中在專業的SPECint_base_rate2006測試上,更取得了117分的世界紀錄,是第一顆成績破百的處理器。

這顆處理器之所以能創下如此高的性能數據,最主要的原因是英特爾啟用了多項新規範在這顆CPU上。包含新的CPU插槽Socket LGA1366、三通道的DDR3 1066控制器、8執行緒的HT技術、以及最新的高速匯流技術QPI。

首先在Socket LGA1366的推出上,在i7之前,所有的Core架構處理器皆採用LGA775插槽,而此次插槽的變更,意味著過去的主機板平台將不再支援,必須採用全新的硬體架構,此舉也宣告LGA775時代即將結束。加上新的LGA1366規範具有更多的針腳數,相對的,處理器晶片的體積也變的更大,因此需要更大的散熱器支援,而這樣的規格也排除了「小型化(Small Factor)」的設計需求考量,是純粹為性能而生。這也做出了更明顯的市場區隔,便是讓行動的歸行動,桌上型將是極致的效能導向。

再者為高速匯流技術QPI的使用。PQI全名是QuickPath Interconnect匯流技術,是英特爾新一代CPU與CPU及CPU與記憶體間的連線技術,此技術是取代行之多年的FSB前端匯流。一直以來,處理器與記憶體之間的傳輸都是英特爾處理器的瓶頸所在,雖然處理器的性能不斷提升,但晶片間的互連性能卻始終跟不上,尤其是進入多核心時代後,這個問題便更加明顯。而新的QPI匯流技術採用單線點對點模式,傳輸速度在4.8至6.4GT/s之間,加上每一個連接的連線位元可為5、10、20bit,因此一條QPI聯接可提供12至16 GB/s的頻寬,而每一個QPI連線的寬頻更高達24至32 GB/s。也一舉突破了英特爾處理器的效能。

另外,多核心處理器最倚賴的平行運算功能也在i7上獲得改進。透過超執行緒技術,i7每個核心可有2個處理執行緒,四核最高可有8個執行緒,對於多功處理和多應用程式的執行有絕佳的性能。此外,若搭配固態硬碟(SSD),更能彰顯其多執行緒的優勢。至於3通道的DDR3 1066MHz的應用,也是在Desktop上首見,在在都把桌上型電腦平台設計帶向了新的時代。

毫無疑問的,Core i7的問世代表著桌上型電腦平台將進入下一個階段,而這個平台的轉換也將會帶起相關零組件的更新潮。包含主機板、晶片組、DDR3和固態硬碟等,都會隨之有所成長,難怪所有的PC製造商和零組件供應商無不對此殷殷期盼。然而,這對消費者來說似乎並不是個利多,因為一個完整的i7系統所費不貲,沒有花個數萬元是買不到的,加上無法從目前的架構中升級,更令人感覺氣結。但若單從技術面來看,相信PC市場非常樂見一個有破壞性的產品推出,特別是在這個令人不太興奮的時間點。

關鍵字: 多執行緒  QuickPath Interconnect  Intel(英代爾, 英特爾
英特爾攜手合作夥伴 助力AI PC創作新世代
Intel Core Ultra透過新vPro平台將AI PC延伸至企業應用
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Tommy Chung發言於2011.01.12 11:46:53 AM
Moneual Play Ball PC: What Has Three Balls, Six Axes and Seven Windows?
Would you believe what you’re looking at is a PC? Yep. This set of orbs is a completely functional Windows 7 PC, courtesy of the guys at Korea’s Moneaul.


The Play Ball PC comes with three spherical pods, one which contains the main computer, and the other two which house matching speakers. The main pod’s computer runs on the Intel Atom chipset, has a built-in 64GB SSD storage device and 2GB RAM. In addition to built-in 802.11n networking, it also connects wirelessly to the battery-powered speakers. According to it’s manufacturer, the whole thing will be completely wireless, so I’m wondering if the computer itself will have a rechargeable battery too. It probably does, since both the computer and speakers snap into that white monolithic docking station.


The computer also features a 6-axis gyroscopic sensor, which lets you use the computer itself in place of a mouse, and allows you to interact with the media playback interfaces without a keyboard. Of course, they call this thing an HTPC, but any real home theater guru would never live with just a pair of wireless 15-watt speakers for their sound system.  While it probably won’t win any awards for sound output, it certainly will be a cool conversation piece sitting in your living room.

There’s no word on when you’ll be able to get your hands on one of these oddities. As a matter of fact, I can’t find it up on Moneaul’s website yet. That said, I know it’s at least been turned into a prototype, because I took the photos above myself during CES last week.


Only Chen發言於2010.12.14 12:06:26 PM

明年消電展3大主軸 催紅PC



Only Chen發言於2010.11.12 11:10:14 AM

Can a PC Be Upgraded Forever?

Can a PC Be Upgraded Forever?

This little aluminum computer has one big goal: To be the last PC you will ever need. That's what the manufacturer claims—"The Xi3 Modular's three boards will allow you to upgrade it forever." Maybe. I just like the color.

The tiny Xi3 Modular has one board with two AMD Athlon 64 processors and the RAM, while two I/O boards handle all connectivity and input/output requirements. They say that, by changing these boards you can "upgrade this computer forever" to save money and resources. Nice intentions, Captain Planet, but many computer manufacturers have tried the same approach only to discover that their modular technology always gets outdated, rendering their whole upgrade strategy into a broken pencil: Pointless.

Still, it's a nice little computer which is designed to be mounted anywhere. It comes with dual display support with 1080p DVI, VGA, HDMI, LVDS and DP output, plus 6 USB and 2 SATA Ports, Xi3p and PCIe, and it's available in limited quantities for $849. [XI3 via BusinessWire]



上面這款迷你PC,夠炫...只是$849 coco有點貴

Tommy Chung發言於2010.07.28 11:06:55 AM
目前應該是AIO比校搶手,最好有3D LED Display功能.
Steven Wang發言於2008.12.10 09:35:48 AM









Korbin Lan發言於2008.12.01 04:05:50 PM

別說是Core i7了...



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