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IBM與紅帽攜手合作加速混合雲採用 (2018.05.17)
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「2015 MorSensor無線感測積木創意應用設計競賽」決賽成果於國家實驗研究院晶片系統設計中心奈米電子大樓出爐,由台灣科技大學電子工程系「Dlife」隊以「Smart Wash」奪得金牌及獎金12萬元,銀牌則由「Plant醬」隊的「MorSensor 溫度、濕度、UVI、九軸感測器與日常生活結合之虛擬盆栽APP」及「叢缺」隊的「顏色感測器」獲得
是一款輕量級的資料庫架構瀏覽器和 SQL 編輯器為 Sybase, Oracle, SQL Server, IBM DB2 資料庫。-DBGet (2011.08.26)
是一款輕量級的資料庫架構瀏覽器和 SQL 編輯器為 Sybase, Oracle, SQL Server, IBM DB2 資料庫。
Web控制台的DB2:幫助您了解關於DB2的使用演示和教程的工具-Technology Explorer for IBM DB2 (2011.02.02)
一個可用於各類資料庫系統的 ASP 應用程式集工具軟體-ASPRunner Professional 6.3 (2010.11.05)
一個可用於各類資料庫系統的 ASP 應用程式集工具軟體
-qDBSync (2010.09.01)
Command line tool for syncronize heterogeneous databases. Work via QT4 drivers (Drivers for SQLite, QDBC, Firebird are included. Drivers for IBase, DB2, Postgeress, Mysql may be compilled by Qt4 (4.6.3 by now)))
-Open source dbExpress drivers (2010.08.06)
DbExpress driver for ODBC. Supports Delphi 7 & 6.02, BCB 6, and Kylix 2 & 3. Tested against many Databases including: Microsoft SqlServer, Oracle, IBM DB2, Centura SqlBase, MySql, Microsoft Access, and
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Eclipse SQL Client for database querying/browsing any JDBC compliant database. It supports plugins with specialized functionality for individual databases (Oracle, DB2 and MySQL) and can be extended for to include specialized support for other DB's
-ejpa (2010.06.01)
Easier Java Persistence API. An annotation and configuration free ORM with automatic everything (mapping (A-O/RM), associations, persistence tracking). The easiest Java ORM. automatic object/relational mapping (A-O/RM) automatic handling of all associations automatic persistence tracking no configuration
M Systems (2010.02.23)
About Us Founded in 1996 and headquartered in the Research Triangle Park area (Durham) of North Carolina, M Systems is a fast growing solutions provider specializing in e-commerce and database applications
一款全方位的Java實體關係設計& 塑造(ERD)為Oracle,MSSQL,Postgres,DB2,Database change&dictionary管理-Mogwai Java Tools Release 0.5 (2009.06.27)
一款全方位的Java實體關係設計& 塑造(ERD)為Oracle,MSSQL,Postgres,DB2,Database change&dictionary管理
IBM與西門子發佈整合解決方案 (2009.06.25)
IBM和產品生命週期管理(PLM)軟體和服務供應商Siemens PLM Software宣佈,雙方將共同推出全新解決方案,旨在改善企業在整個生命週期中對產品的管理, 包括從設計製造到產品生命終期的規劃及回收, 並簡化關鍵產品資料及製造規劃的共用流程
Fortinet跨足資料安全領域發表資料庫安全設備 (2008.10.20)
FinA is 3-tier J2EE, OS/DB independent application for SUPERVISORS to receive data from FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS, store it in db (ORACLE/MSSQL/DB2/MySql) and generate reports. System use: Openoffice.org, Jboss, Mysql. See:www.fina2
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DBEdit is a database editing tool, written in Java, which is suitable as a front-end GUI for your Oracle, DB2 or MySQL database. DBEdit's core functionalities provide aid to common data editing tasks and reporting, as well as database synchronization
-Indiana University CLSD Parser Scripts 200305-ENZYME (2008.06.10)
Data Ingest Parsers for Centralized Life Science Data service for use with IBM DiscoveryLink/DB2.
-Web Time Entry WebTimeEntry-5.080601 (2008.06.01)
Web Time Entry is a web based project time entry and client billing system. Track, approve and manage employee time incurred for projects and clients you define. Intuitive for users & easy painless installation! Runs on MySQL, MS-SQL Server, Derby, DB2
-DB2JMIN (An easy-to-use MULTI-DB Client) 0.1.9 (2008.05.05)
Web-Based/Desktop DB2, ORACLE, DERBY, FIREBIRD, MYSQL,POSTGRE client (general-purpose), inspired on phpMyAdmin. It runs on Tomcat 5.5 or SWING with JDK 1.5 (Multi-plataform, Schema Browsing, Tables Browsing, Tables Structure,
-DBEdit 2 2.1.4 (2008.04.02)
DBEdit is a database editing tool, written in Java, which is suitable as a front-end GUI for your Oracle, DB2 or MySQL database. DBEdit's core functionalities provide aid to common data editing tasks and reporting, as well as database synchronization

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