相關物件共 13
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-Avis event router Release 1.0.0 (2008.08.02)
Avis is a multicast event bus. It provides a fast, publish/subscribe event routing service compatible with the commercial Elvin implementation developed by Mantara Software.
-Avis event router Release 0.1.0 (2008.06.28)
Avis is a multicast event bus. It provides a fast, publish/subscribe event routing service compatible with the commercial Elvin implementation developed by Mantara Software.
-Avis event router Release 1.1.0 (2008.01.22)
Avis is a multicast event bus. It provides a fast, publish/subscribe event routing service compatible with the commercial Elvin implementation developed by Mantara Software.
-SmartChapter Player V1.1.0 Beta (2008.01.06)
SmartChapter Player is used to open BeyondTV videos (with chapter files) or add chapters to AVIs. Users can manipulate the chapter points in order to more accurately designate the start/end of commercials. Also, cut commercials out to create a new video
-Avis event router Release 1.0.3 (2007.10.20)
Avis is a multicast event bus. It provides a fast, publish/subscribe event routing service compatible with the commercial Elvin implementation developed by Mantara Software.
-Avis event router Release 1.0.1 (2007.08.15)
Avis is a wide-area event router service compatible with the commercial Elvin implementation produced by Mantara Software. Avis provides a general-purpose, high performance publish/subscribe message bus using content-based subscriptions
-Avis event router Release 0.2 (2007.06.12)
Avis is a flexible event router service compatible with the commercial Elvin implementation produced by Mantara Software. Avis provides a general-purpose, high performance publish/subscribe message bus using content-based subscriptions
Hughes推出高速BGAN行動衛星終端設備 (2007.03.16)
全球寬頻衛星網路解決方案及服務供應商Hughes Network Systems, LLC宣佈,新一代Hughes 9250行動衛星終端設備,已獲准在Inmarsat的寬頻全球區域網路(Broadband Global Area Network;BGAN)上運行
-Avis event router Release 0.7 (2006.12.28)
Avis is a flexible event router service compatible with the commercial Elvin implementation produced by Mantara Software. Avis provides a general-purpose, high performance publish/subscribe message bus using content-based subscriptions
-CamStudio - Desktop Screen Recorder camstudio-2.0 (2005.04.07)
CamStudio records activity from your screen and audio from a microphone into AVI video files and can also convert the AVIs into Streaming Flash videos (SWFs) using its built-in SWF Producer.
一個可將軟體分解成各個獨立的物件,包括 dlls, Icons, cursors等等-Resource Capture 1.0.7 (2005.04.04)
一個可將軟體分解成各個獨立的物件,包括 dlls, Icons, cursors等等
Palm OS遲不授權 業者擬自尋出路 (2000.08.01)
由於Palm公司遲遲不願將Palm OS授權給台灣有意進軍PDA產業的廠商,讓台灣PDA業者在開發非強調高性能的PDA產品時,必須轉而投入在應用軟體等發展層面皆未完全成熟的AVIS,及互慧科技的Penbex OS等作業系統的懷抱
資訊家電作業系統 微軟難獨大 (1999.12.08)

1 安勤擴展EMS系列新品 搭載英特爾最新處理器開拓AI應用
2 Basler全新AI影像分析軟體符合複雜應用需求
3 Nordic的Wi-Fi 6模組具有無線連接高通量和低功耗性能
4 Toshiba推出1200 V第三代碳化矽肖特基柵極二極體新產品
5 Littelfuse推出高頻應用的雙5安培低壓側MOSFET柵極驅動器
6 瑞薩第四代R-Car車用SoC瞄準大量L2+ ADAS市場
7 恩智浦全新i.MX RT700跨界MCU搭載eIQ Neutron NPU打造AI邊緣
8 恩智浦整合超寬頻安全測距與短距雷達推動自動化IIoT應用
9 Aerotech擴充XA4 PWM伺服驅動器系列 實現更多多功能性
10 達文新一代超薄型強固型平板電腦RTC-I116


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