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-Orion Secure Message Gateway VS 2008 (2008.04.11)
A secure message gateway for transporting ebXML, SOAP and custom message formats. Compliant with the OASIS ebXML 2.0 specification and can act in both intermediary and processing MHS roles to provide end-to-end reliable messaging
-Webswell Connect 2.1.1 (2007.10.03)
Webswell Connect is a business integration tool based on WS web services, ebXML and AS2 standards. Installer includes ebXML Registry/Repository, universal Message Service Handler and Dispatcher and supporting software. Tech support at www
-Orion Secure Message Gateway 3.0.353 (2007.06.07)
A secure message gateway for transporting ebXML, SOAP and custom message formats. Compliant with the OASIS ebXML 2.0 specification and can act in both intermediary and processing MHS roles to provide end-to-end reliable messaging
-Webswell Connect 2.1 beta 2 (2007.05.31)
Webswell Connect is a business integration tool based on WS web services, ebXML and AS2 standards. Installer includes ebXML Registry/Repository, universal Message Service Handler and Dispatcher and supporting software. Tech support at www
-Orion Secure Message Gateway v3.0.x (2007.02.27)
A secure message gateway for transporting ebXML, SOAP and custom message formats. Compliant with the OASIS ebXML 2.0 specification and can act in both intermediary and processing MHS roles to provide end-to-end reliable messaging
-Webswell Connect 2.0.6 (2007.02.22)
Webswell Connect is a business integration tool based on WS web services, ebXML and AS2 standards. Installer includes ebXML Registry/Repository, universal Message Service Handler and Dispatcher and supporting software. Tech support at www
-freeb-ubl 0.4.0 (2007.01.13)
Free opensource software for the Universal Business Language and the ebXML framework including XSLT stylesheets to generate XForms for creating, editing and viewing UBL and ebXML documents.
-freebxforms 0.0.1 (2007.01.05)
Free Electronic Business XForms for the ebXML Framework and XSLT Stylesheets to Generate XForms
-Webswell Connect 2.0.1 (2006.10.03)
Webswell Connect is business integration tool based on WS web services, ebXML and AS2 standards.
-Webswell Connect 1.4 (2006.02.20)
ebXML business integration software with easy installation and configuration. It is based on existing progressive open source components.
-Webswell Connect 1.3.2 (2005.08.28)
ebXML business integration software with easy installation and configuration. It is based on existing progressive open source components.
-Webswell Connect 1.2.2 (2005.02.06)
ebXML business integration software with easy installation and configuration. It is based on existing progressive open source components.
從Web Services看行動運算 (2004.02.25)
行動裝置雖多樣化卻有其先天上的限制,如何提供不同硬體資源客製化的應用程式益顯重要。Web Services技術擁有開放且輕質量(lightweight)的標準,能快速開發多樣化的用戶端程式,也支援行動裝置上應用程式的開發,在未來的行動運算將扮演重要的角色
從Web Services看行動運算 (2004.02.25)
行動裝置雖多樣化卻有其先天上的限制,如何提供不同硬體資源客製化的應用程式益顯重要。Web Services技術擁有開放且輕質量(lightweight)的標準,能快速開發多樣化的用戶端程式,也支援行動裝置上應用程式的開發,在未來的行動運算將扮演重要的角色
電子商務自動化標準– ebXML (2004.01.15)
NII:國內ebXML展開測試計畫 (2003.12.29)
在推廣ebXML標準多年後,國家資訊基本建設產業發展協進會(NII)在上(11)月展開測試計畫的說明及招募,目前已有包括精密工業、金屬、機械及營建業等表示高度興趣。 據CNET消息
電子書-進入閱讀新體驗時代 (2003.09.25)
OASIS日前宣佈了通用商用語言計劃 (2003.02.06)
Com2B、NII加入APEC「全球 B2B 互通專案」 (2003.01.28)
首席電子商務公司 (Com2B) 與推動台灣資通訊基礎建設的中華民國國家資訊基本建設產業發展協進會 (NII),日前共同加入亞太經合會議 (APEC)「全球 B2B 互通專案」(Global B2B Interoperability Project)
HP 發表全新Web Services平台 (2002.04.25)
HP惠普科技24日在台灣發表Web Services新平台,包含了 "HP Web Services Platform "、"HP Web Services Registry"及"HP Web Services Transaction" 等產品,可支援XML、SOAP、UDDI 2.0、WSDL、BTP、RosettaNet、ebXML及BizTalk等業界標準,並相容於Microsoft .NET平台

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