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是德科技M8000系列誤碼測試解決方案新增PAM-4支援 (2015.08.28)
工程師可有效評估具PAM-4編碼和內建誤碼計數器的接收器 是德科技(Keysight)日前宣布旗下的Keysight M8000系列誤碼測試解決方案新增PAM-4資料格式和內建的誤碼計數器支援,進一步擴充其PAM-4測試解決方案的陣容
提供一套 Python 腳本:允許客戶端自動化Notepad++,使用 Python 插件和 SimpleXMLRPC 模組。-Notepad++ Python Script Automation (2011.08.28)
提供一套 Python 腳本:允許客戶端自動化Notepad++,使用 Python 插件和 SimpleXMLRPC 模組。
一款跨平台的 .NET 包裝 OpenCV 的圖像處理庫工具。-Emgu CV (2011.02.04)
一款跨平台的 .NET 包裝 OpenCV 的圖像處理庫工具。
-Python DB-API 2.0 module for ADO (2010.07.31)
Python module that makes it easy to use Microsoft ADO for connecting with databases and other data sources. 100% DB-API 2.0 compliant. -- This module now included as part of pywin32 v211 and need not be downloaded separately here
pyBzEdit是被設計來為wxPython程式編輯bzflag Game使用的文件-pyBzEdit 0.6 (2009.06.28)
pyBzEdit是被設計來為wxPython程式編輯bzflag Game使用的文件
-CodeInject 1.00-alpha (2008.08.20)
Command-line utility which allows to inject portions of code into source file using scripts embedded in this source file itself. It can be exteneded to use any scripting language. Currently it supports Boo, IronPython and XLS
-Emgu CV (2008.05.25)
A cross platform .Net wrapper for the Intel OpenCV image-processing library. Allows OpenCV functions to be called from .NET compatible languages such as C#, VB, VC++, IronPython. The wrapper can be compiled in Mono and run on Linux, Solaris & Mac OS X
-Emgu CV (2008.02.21)
A cross platform .Net wrapper to the Intel OpenCV image-processing library. Allowing OpenCV functions to be called from .NET compatible languages such as C#, VB, VC++, IronPython etc. The wrapper can also be compiled in Mono and run on Linux / Solaris
-P4.Net 1.0 (2007.12.12)
P4.Net is a Perforce API for the Microsoft .Net Common Language Runtime (CLR). It can be used from any managed language including C#, VB.Net, J#, Powershell, IronPython, and MSBuild.
-FePy r7 (2007.10.16)
FePy project aims to provide enhancements and add-ons for IronPython, an implementation of Python programming language.
-P4.Net 0.9 (2007.08.19)
P4.Net is a Perforce API for the Microsoft .Net Common Language Runtime (CLR). It can be used from any managed language including C#, VB.Net, J#, Powershell, IronPython, and MSBuild.
-MS.Services RunTime - DesignTime (2007.06.19)
This code is another way to create SOA applications through HTTP. Can execute Database SPs, MSMQ, Assemblies, IronPython script and generates RSS, JSON, Web Service, Text or Excel file through HTTP. The system has authentication and logging support
提供ㄧ個簡單的所見即所得(WYSIWYG)的圖形使用介面(GUI)給多種的動態語言。-FarPy GUIE FarPy GUIE v0.5.5 (2007.04.15)
-MS.Services RunTime DesignTime (2007.02.24)
This code is another way to create SOA applications through HTTP. Can execute Database SPs, MSMQ, Assemblies, IronPython script and generates RSS, JSON, Web Service, Text or Excel file through HTTP. The system has authentication and logging support
-FePy r5 (2006.12.16)
FePy project aims to provide enhancements and add-ons for IronPython, an implementation of Python programming language.
發佈於Codeplex的IronPython專案 (2006.09.07)
IronPython is a new implementation of the Python programming language running on .NET. It supports an interactive console with fully dynamic compilation. It is well integrated with the rest of the .NET Framework and makes all
微軟釋出動態性語言IronPython予開放社群 (2006.09.07)
-MS.Services Alpha Release (2006.05.30)
This code is another way to create SOA applications through HTTP. Can execute Database SPs, MSMQ, Assemblies, IronPython script and generates RSS, JSON, Web Service, Text or Excel file through HTTP. The system has authentication and logging support

1 Littelfuse單芯超級電容器保護積體電路用於增強型備用電源解決方案
2 Western Digital全新極速8TB桌上型SSD 釋放數位創作無限可能
3 LitePoint攜手三星電子進展 FiRa 2.0新版安全測距測試用例
4 愛德萬測試發表V93000 EXA Scale SoC測試系統超高電流電源供應板卡
5 Nordic Semiconductor全面推出nRF Cloud設備管理服務
6 意法半導體新款高壓側開關整合智慧多功能 提供系統設計高彈性
7 安提國際MegaEdge系列新品為邊緣AI推論與電腦視覺應用賦能
8 長陽生醫推出Miicraft光固化3D列印機 協助牙科提升醫療能量
9 群聯電子推出全新企業級SSD品牌PASCARI及高階X200 SSD
10 中美萬泰新一代無風扇熱插拔電池醫療級觸控電腦


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