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Oracle告Android侵權 美專利局逐一駁回 (2012.03.26)
關於Oracle對Google Android的侵權控訴,陸續遭到美國專利商標局(USPTO)的駁回。在幾個月(2011年12月)的月初,先駁回Oracle主張Android對7,426,720號專利所有權的侵權行為,接著在月底又駁回Oracle要求對其6,192,476號專利進行複審要求
-Physhun (2011.07.16)
Physhun is a Java framework for building and executing finite state machines in J2SE and J2EE environments. State models are defined as collections of Spring beans, and do not use proprietary modeling languages. The framework is simple and flexible
-ex95delta - Disaster Response Management (2011.04.21)
Its my college project for Natural Disaster Response Unit Management Information System Based On Java Standard Edition (J2SE) using IDE Netbeans and DBMS MySQL. Supported language in the system is Bahasa Indonesia.
-Luaj (2010.07.30)
Lightweight, fast, Java-centric Lua interpreter written for J2ME and J2SE, with libraries for basic, string, table, package, math, io, os, debug and coroutine packages, a compiler, luajava bindings, and JSR-233 pluggable scripting engine bindings
-jlog2 (2010.05.23)
Lightweight logger/debugger for both the Java J2SE and J2ME platforms. Configurable logger for writing logging or debugging information to separate output streams. Lightweight logger/debugger compatible with Java J2SE or J
加解密裝置存取介面程式設計 (2009.08.06)
-openMDX - Open Source MDA platform 2.5.0 (2009.06.16)
openMDX is the leading open source MDA platform. Generic, model-driven framework. Ultra-fast, platform-independent development. No proprietary model tagging. No cumbersome generative PIM-to-PSM mappings. Supports J2SE, J2EE, CORBA, and
-KoLmafia v13.3.1 (2009.06.13)
KoLmafia is a cross-platform desktop tool which interfaces with the online adventure game, Kingdom of Loathing. KoLmafia is written in Java (J2SE 1.4 compliant), with binary releases in JAR format.
ThinkFree推出第一套行動辦公室套裝軟體 (2009.03.17)
辦公室軟體解決方案廠商ThinkFree發表全新的ThinkFree Mobile產品。此產品特別適用於台灣市場,可提供文字處理、試算表及簡報應用程式,並針對x86及ARM晶片組之小尺寸螢幕、硬體資源有限的行動網路裝置(MID)及筆記型電腦達到最佳化效果
-BlueCove 2.0.3 (2008.08.12)
BlueCove is a JSR-82 implementation on Java Standard Edition (J2SE) on BlueZ Linux, Mac OS X, WIDCOMM, BlueSoleil and Microsoft Bluetooth stack on WinXPsp2 and newer. Originally developed by Intel Research and currently maintained by volunteers
-openMDX - Open Source MDA platform 2.1.0 (2008.07.11)
openMDX is the leading open source MDA platform. Generic, model-driven framework. Ultra-fast, platform-independent development. No proprietary model tagging. No cumbersome generative PIM-to-PSM mappings. Supports J2SE, J2EE, CORBA, and
一個符合用在元件導向系統如Enterprise JavaBeans程式的研發平台-CUBA 3.0.1 (2008.06.28)
一個符合用在元件導向系統如Enterprise JavaBeans程式的研發平台
-TeeDict 0.6.1 (2008.06.27)
TeeDict (formerly jStarDict) is a j2se/j2me dict application which can use any stardict/dict.org/kdic/zdic format dictionaries. Go to http://www.teesoft.info to find the installation instruction and some other documents of this project
-UniMod 1.0.0 (2008.06.20)
Automata Based Programming Tool for implementing logic for J2SE, J2EE and Sybmian applications. Consists of Java FSM Framework and Eclipse Plugin parts. Plugin implements UML model editor, visual debugger, validator, compiler
線上遊戲 Kingdom of Loathing 的一個桌上介面程式-KoLmafia v12.5 (2008.06.17)
線上遊戲 Kingdom of Loathing 的一個桌上介面程式
-kMemorize MyComp20080609 (2008.06.09)
This project is opened for vocabulary memorizing, but not limit, base on J2ME mobile device. There are 2 components in porject, a J2ME(MIDP 2.0) vocabulary-card reader, named kMemorize , and a J2SE vocabulary-card authoring tool
-jStarDict 0.5.9 (2008.06.04)
jStarDict is a j2se/j2me dict application which can use any stardict/dict.org/kdic/zdic format dictionaries. Go to http://www.teesoft.info to find the installation instruction and some other documents of this project .
-kMemorize BWZKForge (2008.04.02)
This project is opened for vocabulary memorizing, but not limit, base on J2ME mobile device. There are 2 components in porject, a J2ME(MIDP 2.0) vocabulary-card reader, named kMemorize , and a J2SE vocabulary-card authoring tool
-JavaDoc Taglet Collection Taglets 2.0.3 (2008.03.31)
The Taglet Collection is set of general pupose taglets for use with the JavaDoc tool. It provides a standard set of new tags and allows to create new ones by configuration or using simple Java interfaces. Tested with J2SE 1.4, 1
-JME C64 JME C64 v1.7.4 (2008.03.26)
A Java-based Commodore 64 emulator for the J2ME and J2SE platform. If you want to see the old C64 become alive on your mobile phone or PC then try this emulator. For more information on the project see the Wiki pages http://jmec64

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1 Littelfuse單芯超級電容器保護積體電路用於增強型備用電源解決方案
2 愛德萬測試發表V93000 EXA Scale SoC測試系統超高電流電源供應板卡
3 LitePoint攜手三星電子進展 FiRa 2.0新版安全測距測試用例
4 [COMPUTEX] 慧榮全新USB顯示單晶片 搶攻多螢與超高解析擴充市場
5 Nordic Semiconductor全面推出nRF Cloud設備管理服務
6 長陽生醫推出Miicraft光固化3D列印機 協助牙科提升醫療能量
7 [COMPUTEX] Supermicro機櫃級隨插即用液冷AI SuperCluster支援NVIDIA Blackwell
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9 群聯電子推出全新企業級SSD品牌PASCARI及高階X200 SSD
10 COMPUTEX 2024:麗臺科技高階WinFast Mini AI工作站全球首次亮相


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