相關物件共 30
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Radware在台灣設立新雲端安全中心 (2022.08.30)
Oracle推全新OCI服務和功能 為客戶提供更具彈性的資源 (2022.03.21)
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) 推出 11 個全新的運算、網路、儲存服務和功能,可讓客戶以更低的成本、更快、更安全地執行工作負載。全新的解決方案將提供靈活的核心基礎架構服務和自動最佳化資源,以滿足應用程式需求並大幅降低成本
資安創新應用於產線 防禦思維須面面俱到 (2021.12.15)
由於數位科技產業發展與創新應用的趨勢,加速智慧工廠自動化和數位化轉型,IT+OT兩端資源整合成效如何,資安管理系統與風險管控技術成為其中重要的關鍵。 OWASP(Open Web Application Security Project)為全球主要針對開放網頁應用程式安全進行研究的非營利組織
物聯網應用首重資安 Bureau Veritas提供完整一站式IoT安全評等 (2020.05.22)
資策會與資安業者舉辦國際資訊安全組織台灣高峰會 (2018.07.10)
由Cloud Security Alliance台灣分會、The Honeynet Project台灣分會以及OWASP台灣分會共同主辦的年度重要國際資安會議「國際資訊安全組織台灣高峰會」,將於7月10日到12日,在集思台大會議中心召開
「2011電子商務安全國際研討會」各國專家分享 破解駭客密碼之第一手資訊 (2011.03.11)
一款Web應用要求模糊測試工具:通過HTTP或HTTPS,其目的是提供單一可移植的應用-JBroFuzz (2010.09.20)
網頁應用程式安全機制專案(OWASP)的相關軟體與文件-OWASP Source Code Center WebGoat 5.2 (2008.07.13)
-JBroFuzz jbrofuzz-10 (2008.07.05)
The OWASP JBroFuzz Project is a java based stateless network protocol fuzzer developed for penetration tests. It allows for the identification of certain classes of security bugs, by means of malformed data generation accross the network
-orizon v0.90 (2008.06.12)
Orizon is a framework intended to provide tools and facilities to test java sources for security flaws. The main goal is to detect common threats as described in Owasp top 10 vulnerability document.
-JBroFuzz jbrofuzz-0.8 (2008.03.17)
The OWASP JBroFuzz Project is a java based stateless network protocol fuzzer developed for penetration tests. It allows for the identification of certain classes of security bugs, by means of malformed data generation accross the network
網頁應用程式安全機制專案(OWASP)的相關軟體與文件-OWASP Source Code Center SpoC 2007 Version (2008.01.05)
-orizon v0.60 (2008.01.02)
Orizon is a framework intended to provide tools and facilities to test java sources for security flaws. The main goal is to detect common threats as described in Owasp top 10 vulnerability document.
-orizon eAcademy2007 (2007.10.22)
Orizon is a framework intended to provide tools and facilities to test java sources for security flaws. The main goal is to detect common threats as described in Owasp top 10 vulnerability document.
第一屆OWASP亞洲年會 (2007.09.20)
-orizon v0.40 (2007.08.22)
Orizon is a framework intended to provide tools and facilities to test java sources for security flaws. The main goal is to detect common threats as described in Owasp top 10 vulnerability document.
-JBroFuzz jbrofuzz-0.7 (2007.07.29)
The OWASP JBroFuzz Project is a java based stateless network protocol fuzzer developed for penetration tests. It allows for the identification of certain classes of security bugs, by means of malformed data generation accross the network
網頁應用程式安全機制專案(OWASP)的相關軟體與文件-OWASP Source Code Center DN_BOFinder (2007.07.02)
-orizon v0.25 (2007.06.07)
Orizon is a framework intended to provide tools and facilities to test java sources for security flaws. The main goal is to detect common threats as described in Owasp top 10 vulnerability document.
-WeBekci OWASP-WeBekci-1.0 (2007.04.02)
ModSecurity 2.x managament tool. Generate special rule, show logs, create conf.

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