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ADI推出同步解調器內建可配置類比濾波器 (2014.10.30)
美商亞德諾(ADI)發表一顆在整合度、性能、彈性和功率消耗等特性組合的同步解調器。ADA2200採用ADI正在申請專利的取樣類比技術(sampled analog technology;SAT),該技術是由ADI於2011年中所收購的Lyric Semiconductor公司開發
或然率晶片話題十足! (2010.10.11)
-MPUI-hcb (2010.08.24)
A easy-to-use player, can load and drag&drop rar/7z/zip media&subtitle&lyric. Full support DVD menu, multiple audio,video and subtitle tracks. auto config codepage, font. Use mouse to handle some features, include scale of subtitle
挑戰0和1運算思維 Lyric或然率晶片話題十足 (2010.08.19)
傳統電腦晶片運算的邏輯基礎可能會產生重大變革!一家新創公司Lyric Semiconductor正在設計一款新的處理器,揚棄以往0和1為基礎的必然性(certainty)運算邏輯,而以或然率(probability)和可能性(likelihoods)作為設計新一代晶片運算的核心思維
Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠 (2010.05.05)
Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠
-reBMP 0.9.8,3 (2008.07.27)
REturn of the Beep Media Player ! Key words: Linux, cue, ape, flac, lyrics. it bases on the beepmp-, and i hacked some code, it now natively supports APE, FLAC with cuesheet list. Added a lyric panel to show lyrics when playing
-SingIt Lyric Displayer 0.1.37 (2008.07.15)
The SingIt Lyric Displayer is an XMMS plugin which displays formatted lyrics, including id3v2xx lyrics. It consists of the displayer and an integrated editor which allows one to easily insert time stamps, edit the text, and export & strip HTML
-AutoLyrix AutoLyrix v0.4.1 (2008.03.29)
AutoLyrix: The open-source lyrics, artwork (AlbumArt) and SyncLyrics searcher. It auto-download the lyric/albumart for the song that you are listening! Supported Players: WinAmp,WMPlayer,iTunes,MediaMonkey and more! Visit: http://www
-AutoLyrix AutoLyrix v0.3.0 (2008.01.08)
AutoLyrix is a program created to download lyrics and artwork (AlbumArt) automatically. After you get the lyric and the artwork you can update your iPod mp3s automatically! Skins support soon! Check http://autolyrix.sf.net
-reBMP rebmp- (2007.12.06)
REturn of the Beep Media Player ! Key words: Linux, cue, ape, flac, lyrics. it bases on the beepmp-, and i hacked some code, it now natively supports APE, FLAC with cuesheet list. Added a lyric panel to show lyrics when playing
-AutoLyrix AutoLyrix v0.2.3 (2007.10.28)
AutoLyrix is a program created to download lyrics and artwork (AlbumArt) automatically. After you get the lyric and the artwork you can update your iPod mp3s automatically! Skins support soon! Check http://autolyrix.sf.net
-AutoLyrix AutoLyrix v0.2.0 (2007.06.09)
AutoLyrix is a program created to download lyrics and artwork (AlbumArt) automatically. After you get the lyric and the artwork you can update your iPod mp3s automatically! Skins support soon! Check http://autolyrix.sf.net
-EvilLyrics 0.1.89Final (2007.05.25)
EvilLyrics is a small tool that works with WinAmp and automatically searches for lyrics (on the internet) to the song that is currently played in Winamp. It displays them in a small window that can be opened from the tray and also provides additional links to Google searches, Amazon album profiles, Lyric translations, offline storage and more
-lyric-lite lrc-0.4 (2007.05.01)
A lyric library write in C, it provides ability to parse lyric file and access the information in a convenient way. Its main goal is to provide lyric support for embeded devices, such audio player in mp3 device and mobile phone
-EvilLyrics 0.1.8 Final (build 142) (2006.11.01)
EvilLyrics is a small tool that works with WinAmp and automatically searches for lyrics (on the internet) to the song that is currently played in Winamp. It displays them in a small window that can be opened from the tray and also provides additional links to Google searches, Amazon album profiles, Lyric translations, offline storage and more
-xPort 4.2.1 (2006.04.27)
xPort enables you to directly transfer songs from your iPod to your PC. You can select to transfer all songs, or just selected items. In addition, the program can create playlists and provides a lyrics search, which however needs considerable improvements, as it could not find a single lyric for us
-SingIt Lyric Displayer 0.1.36 (2005.12.15)
The SingIt Lyric Displayer is an XMMS plugin which displays formatted lyrics, including id3v2xx lyrics. It consists of the displayer and an integrated editor which allows one to easily insert time stamps, edit the text, and export & strip HTML
-EvilLyrics 0.1.8 RC3 (2005.11.15)
EvilLyrics is a small tool that works with WinAmp and automatically searches for lyrics (on the internet) to the song that is currently played in Winamp. It displays them in a small window that can be opened from the tray and also provides additional links to Google searches, Amazon album profiles, Lyric translations, offline storage and more
-Search Help Edition 1.0 Final (2005.10.10)
With Search Help you don't have to enter the same search string to different search engines. You can also translate words from english to german and otherwise. You search some lyrics? Enter the title or musican and search for
-xPort 3.2 (2005.08.26)
xPort enables you to directly transfer songs from your iPod to your PC. You can select to transfer all songs, or just selected items. In addition, the program can create playlists and provides a lyrics search, which however needs considerable improvements, as it could not find a single lyric for us

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1 恩智浦新型互聯MCX W無線MCU系列適用於智慧工業和物聯網裝置
2 u-blox新推兩款精巧型模組內建最新Nordic藍牙晶片
3 安勤專為工業和通信領域推出ECM-ASL 3.5吋嵌入式單板電腦
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5 igus推出輕量化ReBeL協作機器人仿生手
6 皮爾磁全新PIT oe ETH元件具備可啟用乙太網路連接埠護資安
7 意法半導體新款雙向電流感測放大器可提升工業和汽車應用效益
8 Microchip安全觸控螢幕控制器系列新品提供加密驗證和資料加密功能
9 ST高成本效益無線連接晶片 讓eUSB配件、裝置和工控設備擺脫電線羈絆
10 凌華科技新款顯示卡搭載Intel Arc A380E GPU


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