相關物件共 4
時樂科技 (2010.07.15)
由Windows 7的衝擊看觸控產業發展趨勢 (2009.12.08)
Windows 7作業系統應被視為微軟其中一環布局,希冀以雲端服務整合各種顯示介面,輔以多點觸控(Multi-Touch)人性化使用介面。微軟更意在營造觸控發展環境之標準平台,將傳統觸控運作模式轉化為應用程式開發業者、系統開發業者及硬體開發業者三者合作的模式
Xiroku (2009.10.06)
Xiroku Inc. established a business in Tsukuba in February 2001 after We had succeeded to develop the touch-screen with the CMOS camera system. The CMOS camera system takes images of what is around the finger touching the screen by using the two small cameras placed above the screen and detects the touch-coordinate and the condition of the touch by image processing
晶相光電 (2007.12.11)
SOI (Silicon Optronics, Inc.) was incorporated in Hsin-Chu, Taiwan on May 24, 2004, specializing in the development and marketing of CMOS image sensor products. Our main products are Area CMOS image sensors, Linear CMOS image sensors, Sensor SoC, and other sensor applications

1 u-blox新推兩款精巧型模組內建最新Nordic藍牙晶片
2 Western Digital全新極速8TB桌上型SSD 釋放數位創作無限可能
3 安勤專為工業和通信領域推出ECM-ASL 3.5吋嵌入式單板電腦
4 凌華搭載Intel Amston-Lake模組化電腦適用於強固型邊緣解決方案
5 Microchip安全觸控螢幕控制器系列新品提供加密驗證和資料加密功能
6 Littelfuse單芯超級電容器保護積體電路用於增強型備用電源解決方案
7 凌華科技新款顯示卡搭載Intel Arc A380E GPU
8 ST高成本效益無線連接晶片 讓eUSB配件、裝置和工控設備擺脫電線羈絆
9 貿澤即日起供貨Microchip PIC32CZ CA微控制器
10 Microchip作動電源整合方案協助航空業向電力飛機轉型


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