鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 4
時樂科技 (2010.07.15)
由Windows 7的冲击看触控产业发展趋势 (2009.12.08)
Windows 7作业系统应被视为微软其中一环布局,希冀以云端服务整合各种显示介面,辅以多点触控(Multi-Touch)人性化使用介面。微软更意在营造触控发展环境之标准平台,将传统触控运作模式转化为应用程式开发业者、系统开发业者及硬体开发业者三者合作的模式
Xiroku (2009.10.06)
Xiroku Inc. established a business in Tsukuba in February 2001 after We had succeeded to develop the touch-screen with the CMOS camera system. The CMOS camera system takes images of what is around the finger touching the screen by using the two small cameras placed above the screen and detects the touch-coordinate and the condition of the touch by image processing
晶相光電 (2007.12.11)
SOI (Silicon Optronics, Inc.) was incorporated in Hsin-Chu, Taiwan on May 24, 2004, specializing in the development and marketing of CMOS image sensor products. Our main products are Area CMOS image sensors, Linear CMOS image sensors, Sensor SoC, and other sensor applications

1 Littelfuse单芯超级电容器保护积体电路用於增强型备用电源解决方案
2 Western Digital全新极速8TB桌上型SSD释放数位创作无限可能
3 LitePoint携手三星电子进展 FiRa 2.0新版安全测距测试用例
4 爱德万测试发表V93000 EXA Scale SoC测试系统超高电流电源供应板卡
5 Nordic Semiconductor全面推出nRF Cloud设备管理服务
6 意法半导体新款高压侧开关整合智慧多功能 提供系统设计高弹性
7 安提国际MegaEdge系列新品为边缘AI推论与电脑视觉应用赋能
8 长阳生医推出Miicraft光固化3D列印机 协助牙科提升医疗能量
9 群联电子推出全新企业级SSD品牌PASCARI及高阶X200 SSD
10 中美万泰新一代无风扇热??拔电池医疗级触控电脑


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