相关对象共 44
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浅谈 AXIe 1.0 仪器模块之电气设计要点与考虑 (2011.08.01)
本文将对 AXIe 1.0 兼容型仪器模块的电气特性进行深入浅出的分析,例如电路板上树状电源架构采用的供电机制。此外,我们将说明连至背板以传送数据的主要通讯和数据线,并进一步探讨哪些是强制接线,哪些是自定义或选择性接线
是一款 C 库,实现了磁盘上的内存内存。 v3c-DCOM 的例子!-treedb (2011.01.28)
是一款 C 库,实现了磁盘上的内存内存。 v3c-DCOM 的例子!
Android平台软件架构设计 (2009.08.05)
-xpy 1.0.0 ?3 (2009.06.21)
xpy is a small software, securing your Windows 2000/XP/2003 installation and protecting your privacy. In addition to so-called Antispy features, it disables common security threats (RPC/DCOM, LMHash) and increases your Windows performance
-xpy 0.10.8 (2008.08.01)
xpy is a small software, securing your Windows 2000/XP/2003 installation and protecting your privacy. In addition to so-called Antispy features, it disables common security threats (RPC/DCOM, LMHash) and increases your Windows performance
-xpy 0.10.8 (2008.07.30)
xpy is a small software, securing your Windows 2000/XP/2003 installation and protecting your privacy. In addition to so-called Antispy features, it disables common security threats (RPC/DCOM, LMHash) and increases your Windows performance
-j-Interop : Java - COM Interoperability j-Interop 1.24 (RC4) (2008.05.25)
Implementation of DCOM wire protocol (MSRPC) to enable development of Pure Bi-Directional, Non-Native Java applications which can interoperate with any COM component.The implementation is itself purely in Java and does not use JNI to provide COM access
-xpy 0.10.1 (2008.05.24)
xpy is a small software, securing your Windows 2000/XP/2003 installation and protecting your privacy. In addition to so-called Antispy features, it disables common security threats (RPC/DCOM, LMHash) and increases your Windows performance
-xpy 0.9.12 (2008.03.19)
xpy is a small software, securing your Windows 2000/XP/2003 installation and protecting your privacy. In addition to so-called Antispy features, it disables common security threats (RPC/DCOM, LMHash) and increases your Windows performance
-j-Interop : Java - COM Interoperability j-Interop 1.23 (RC3) (2007.12.26)
Implementation of DCOM wire protocol (MSRPC) to enable development of Pure Bi-Directional, Non-Native Java applications which can interoperate with any COM component.The implementation is itself purely in Java and does not use JNI to provide COM access
-xpy 0.9.11 (2007.09.12)
xpy is a small software, securing your Windows 2000/XP/2003 installation and protecting your privacy. In addition to so-called Antispy features, it disables common security threats (RPC/DCOM, LMHash) and increases your Windows performance
-Dotclear Plugins Dcom 0.5 (2007.08.31)
Dotclear Plugins is an open source project to provide add-ons for Dotclear, an open-source and multi-blogs platform.
-j-Interop : Java - COM Interoperability 1.22 Beta (RC 2) (2007.08.18)
Implementation of DCOM wire protocol (MSRPC) to enable development of Pure Bi-Directional, Non-Native Java applications which can interoperate with any COM component.The implementation is itself purely in Java and does not use JNI to provide COM access
-xpy 0.9.9 (2007.06.06)
xpy is a small software, securing your Windows 2000/XP/2003 installation and protecting your privacy. In addition to so-called Antispy features, it disables common security threats (RPC/DCOM, LMHash) and increases your Windows performance
-xpy 0.9.8 (2007.01.05)
xpy is a small software, securing your Windows 2000/XP/2003 installation and protecting your privacy. In addition to so-called Antispy features, it disables common security threats (RPC/DCOM, LMHash) and increases your Windows performance
-j-Interop : Java - COM Interoperability 1.12 Beta (2006.11.30)
Implementation of DCOM wire protocol (MSRPC) to enable development of Pure Bi-Directional, Non-Native Java applications which can interoperate with any COM component.The implementation is itself purely in Java and does not use JNI to provide COM access
-OmniObjects 0.2 (2006.10.13)
OmniObject is a free replacement for Microsoft DCOM, with some advantages: more configurable, Internet friendly and open source (thus you can debug it). We're now Windows only, but we have plans to support *nix soon.
-j-Interop : Java - COM Interoperability 1.05 Alpha (2006.09.21)
Implementation of DCOM wire protocol (MSRPC) to enable development of Pure Bi-Directional, Non-Native Java applications which can interoperate with any COM component.The implementation is itself purely in Java and does not use JNI to provide COM access
-xpy 0.9.6 (2006.06.23)
xpy is a small software, securing your Windows 2000/XP/2003 installation and protecting your privacy. In addition to so-called Antispy features, it disables common security threats (RPC/DCOM, LMHash) and increases your Windows performance
-xpy 0.9.5 (2006.03.28)
xpy is a small software, securing your Windows 2000/XP/2003 installation and protecting your privacy. In addition to so-called Antispy features, it disables common security threats (RPC/DCOM, LMHash) and increases your Windows performance

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