鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 18
抢占新兴市场 手机大厂用公板、开放OS (2013.03.15)
智能型手机的战场移转到新兴市场的态势已愈来愈明显,从三星、LG和Sony Mobile在今年MWC中的参展作法即可窥见一斑。此次展会中,三星并未发表新款旗舰机,展出的新产品反倒是以新兴国家为目标市场的低价机款;LG则是从旗舰机、平价LTE手机至低价机种一应俱全;Sony亦未发表新款智能型手机
大风吹 吹只卖硬件的人 (2012.01.06)
嵌入应用战国时代 (2011.08.15)
自从苹果推出App Store以来,行动应用市场上的斩获令各家手机及行动服务商眼红,吸引了各界积极的投入相关的研究与开发的工作。各家厂商陆续推出自己的解决方案,希望峥嵘头角,俨然形成了行动应用界的春秋战国时代
Android开始暗渡陈仓 (2011.07.01)
-CorneliOS web OS & application framework (2010.09.29)
CorneliOS is a web OS that will allow to create and manage online applications. It can be used as a framework to create dedicated CorneliOS applications or as a management tool for existing web applications. The CorneliOS WebOS is an easy-to-use and cross-browser "Web Desktop Environment", "Web Operating System" or "Web Office"
高整合芯片将解决智能手机OS复杂化问题 (2010.06.28)
在今年MWC2010展会上,高通宣布自家芯片支持Windows phone 7,这也是全球第一家支持该OS的芯片商。在smartphone众多的OS系统(Android、Linux、Symbian...)中,无线通信芯片商的定位也将被市场放大检视
小笔电的高峰期已过 平板计算机是帮凶 (2010.05.09)
HP以 12亿美金收购Palm:俗啦! (2010.04.29)
-IndraDesktop WebOS indradesktop v1.1 beta (2009.06.16)
Web OS designed to integrate multiple web applications working under a common windows-like interface. Features: session management, skins, widgets, events, virtual desktops, Firefox and IE compatible. Tech.: J2EE, Javascript, HTML, CSS, XML, Java,
-CorneliOS web OS & application framework CorneliOS 0.8.7r31 (2008.08.01)
CorneliOS is a web OS that will allow to create and manage online applications. It can be used as a framework to create dedicated CorneliOS applications or as a management tool for existing web applications.
-CorneliOS web OS & application framework CorneliOS 0.8.7r8 (2008.07.09)
CorneliOS is a web OS that will allow to create and manage online applications. It can be used as a framework to create dedicated CorneliOS applications or as a management tool for existing web applications.
-CorneliOS web OS & application framework CorneliOS 0.8.5r6 (2008.05.07)
CorneliOS is a web OS that will allow to create and manage online applications. It can be used as a framework to create dedicated CorneliOS applications or as a management tool for existing web applications.
用来建构与管理线上应用软体的Web作业系统,可建立专用的CorneliOS应用或作为其它管理工具。-CorneliOS, the virtual web OS CorneliOS 0.8.4r24 (2008.04.25)
用来建构与管理在线应用软件的Web操作系统,可建立专用的CorneliOS应用或作为其它管理工具。-CorneliOS, the virtual web OS CorneliOS 0.8.2r15 (2008.02.18)
-w3OS, web OS based plateform w3OS_v4_01b_r2 (2007.04.07)
A web OS to host web based applications. An API allows to create w3OS applications. Uses web 2.0 techniques. Integrate existing web apps (even with login). Feat: FS, GUI, icons, tasks, users. Office apps: oulook, CRM, explorer, browser, post-it, mail
-w3OS, web OS plateform First Release (2007.03.07)
A web OS to create web applications. An API allows to create w3OS applications. Uses web 2.0 techniques. Integrate existing web apps (even with login). The system emulates/provides standard operating system features, FS, GUI, icons, tasks, users,
-Xical xical-2.1-all (2006.10.13)
Xical - a Flash/Actionscript based Rich Media Framework/Player with extensive caching mechanisims to provide suitable low-bandwidth use via the web; OS: any that runs the Macromedia Flash Player or Plugin Version 6 (Xical (0.1)) or 7 (Xical 2)
-Xical xical-2.0-all (2006.06.21)
Xical - a Flash/Actionscript based Rich Media Framework/Player with extensive caching mechanisims to provide suitable low-bandwidth use via the web; OS: any that runs the Macromedia Flash Player or Plugin Version 6 (Xical (0.1)) or 7 (Xical 2)

1 Littelfuse单芯超级电容器保护积体电路用於增强型备用电源解决方案
2 Western Digital全新极速8TB桌上型SSD释放数位创作无限可能
3 凌华科技新款显示卡搭载Intel Arc A380E GPU
4 LitePoint携手三星电子进展 FiRa 2.0新版安全测距测试用例
5 爱德万测试发表V93000 EXA Scale SoC测试系统超高电流电源供应板卡
6 Microchip新型PIC32CK 32位元微控制器搭载硬体安全模组
7 意法半导体新款高压侧开关整合智慧多功能 提供系统设计高弹性
8 Nordic Semiconductor全面推出nRF Cloud设备管理服务
9 安提国际MegaEdge系列新品为边缘AI推论与电脑视觉应用赋能
10 长阳生医推出Miicraft光固化3D列印机 协助牙科提升医疗能量


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