ST新款BlueNRG-2N網路處理器 整合最新Bluetooth 5.0和強化安全性 (2020.10.07) 半導體供應商意法半導體(STMicroelectronics;ST)推出BlueNRG-2N藍牙5.0認證網路處理器,新產品可降低功耗、支援最新藍牙功能、提升資料輸送量,同時加強隱私安全保護。
BlueNRG-2N網路輔助處理器預裝藍牙通訊協定,可以幫助主控制器建立藍牙連線 |
IO-Link技術與意法半導體 (2019.12.27) 所有的工業製造商,無論規模大小,都在升級生產設施、製造能力和工程服務,以朝向工業4.0的概念或智慧工業轉型。 |
物聯網簡介 (2019.08.21) 根據Stastita的研究報告,到2025年物聯網設備的總量預計將超過750億台,本文重點在於探討通訊連網技術和連網設備,特別聚焦在個人化的穿戴式裝置。 |
意法半導體物聯網隨插即用模組直連微軟Azure (2019.05.24) 意法半導體(STMicroelectronics,簡稱ST)推出感測器模組SensorTile.box,協助所有人探索物聯網真正能力,輕鬆瞭解如何收集感測器資訊並發送到雲端。
新產品是一個設定靈活的物聯網隨插即用感測器模組 |
意法半導體推出超低功耗工業資產管理Sigfox Monarch方案 (2018.10.24) 意法半導體(STMicroelectronics,簡稱ST)是第一家開發、銷售經過相關產業標準認證的全球無縫接入、超低功耗、遠距離無線連網解決方案,並支援全球領先物聯網服務供應商Sigfox的Monarch全球追蹤和定位服務的晶片製造商 |
意法半導體與Objenious合作 加快IoT節點連接LoRa網絡 (2017.10.11) 意法半導體(STMicroelectronics)和法國電信運營商Objenious宣佈技術合作,加快物聯網(Internet-of-Things,IoT)節點連接至LoRa網絡。獲得Objenious網絡認證的意法半導體開發工具套件即日上市,可大幅降低新LoRa設備的研發,縮短產品上市時間 |
ST BlueCoin即刻在貿澤開售 (2017.09.12) 擁有種類最多的半導體與電子元件、新產品引進(NPI)代理商貿澤電子(Mouser)即日起開始供應STMicroelectronics(ST)的BlueCoin偵聽與動作感測平台。BlueCoin為整合式的藍牙開發系統,結合低功耗、高效能的9軸慣性與環境感測器,以及由四個與強大的STM32F4微處理器相連的數位MEMS麥克風組成的叢集 |
意法半導體與科大訊飛合作開發中文語音辨識雲端服務 (2017.04.06) 意法半導體(STMicroelectronics,ST)與中國語音辨識雲端服務供應商科大訊飛推出新款支援中文語音辨識服務的物聯網開發平台。
新的開發平台整合意法半導體的SensorTile多感測器模組、STM32開放式開發環境(Open Development Environment,ODE)和含有科大訊飛語音辨識技術的Open |
一款跨平台的方程為導向的流程建模,模擬仿真和優化軟體工具。-DAE Tools Project (2011.06.18) 一款跨平台的方程為導向的流程建模,模擬仿真和優化軟體工具。 |
一款相當完整的PC代數系統:重點放在符號計算-Maxima -- GPL CAS based on DOE-MACSYMA (2011.04.05) 一款相當完整的PC代數系統:重點放在符號計算 |
-EZPhysics (2010.11.05) EZPhysics API library integrates rigid-body physics pretty graphics. Rigg up skeletal meshes and virtual reality scenes with simulated joints, mass and collision info. Combines ODE, Ogre3D, wxWidgets. Aspires to become a real-time robot simulator |
-smib (2010.08.18) smib is a rustic CAS for linux which handles : symbolic and numeric computation, and a programming language close to mathematical language. In this version : ODE & SDE, new documentation.
number theory : infinite size integers |
-SciPy: Scientific Library for Python (2010.06.05) SciPy is package of tools for science and engineering for Python. It includes modules for statistics, optimization, integration, linear algebra, Fourier transforms, signal and image processing, ODE solvers, and more.
SciPy is package of tools for science and engineering for Python |
-Cain (2010.06.01) Cain performs stochastic and deterministic simulations of chemical reactions. Cain offers optimized versions of the Gillespie's direct method, Gibson and Bruck's next reaction method, tau-leaping, ODE integration, and direct/tau-leaping hybrid methods |
-Erode erode v0.22 (2008.08.04) Erode is a comprehensive layer over ODE (Open Dynamics Engine) library which allow you to easily create ODE world and visualize them (through Qt widget). It also offers convenient functions to control the appearance, parameters etc |
-Erode erode v0.21 (2008.07.07) Erode is a comprehensive layer over ODE (Open Dynamics Engine) library which allow you to easily create ODE world and visualize them (through Qt widget). It also offers convenient functions to control the appearance, parameters etc |
-mesa mesa-1.1 (2008.04.24) MESA: Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics -- a set of thread-safe fortran 95 libraries for stellar astrophysics, including physics (e.g., eos, opacities, nuclear nets) and algorithms (e.g., multi-D Newton root find, implicit ODE/DAE solvers) |
-freebots April2008 (2008.04.11) A 3D robots simulator written in python. Uses ODE physics and OpenGL/Inventor graphics. A differential wheels robot is provided. There is no user interface but the code is small and is intended to be easily extended for your simulations |
-Maxima -- GPL CAS based on DOE-MACSYMA 5.15.0-release-candidate-1 (2008.04.07) Maxima is a fairly complete computer algebra system written in lisp with an emphasis on symbolic computation. It is based on DOE-MACSYMA and licensed under the GPL. Its abilities include symbolic integration, 3D plotting, and an ODE solver |
-Model Builder: Graphical ODE Simulator 0.4.1 (2008.01.23) Model Builder is a graphical tool for designing, simulating and analyzing Mathematical models consisting of a system of ordinary differential equations(ODEs). |