鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 5
大联大品隹推出MediaTek SmartHome屏控方案 满足智慧家居需求 (2022.04.07)
大联大控股宣布,其旗下品隹推出基於MediaTek(联发科)Filogic 130A(MT7933)晶片的SmartHome屏控方案。 在5G、物联网等技术的快速迭代下,「SmartHome」概念深入人心,越来越多的人乐於享受科技为生活带来的便利
IR为家电马达驱动器扩充IGBT阵营 (2012.10.24)
国际整流器公司 (International Rectifier,简称IR) 推出IRGR4045DPbF及IRGS4045DPbF,藉以扩充绝缘闸双极晶体管 (IGBT) 阵营。全新600V沟槽型超高速IGBT能够为洗衣机和冰箱等家电与轻工业马达驱动应用提升效能及效率
-ZooKeeper 2.1.0 (2008.04.30)
ZooKeeper is a high available and reliable coordination system. Distributed applications use ZooKeeper to store and mediate updates key configuration information. ZooKeeper can be used for leader election, group membership, configuration maintenance
-ZooKeeper 1.1.2 (2008.01.25)
ZooKeeper is a high available and reliable coordination system. Distributed applications use ZooKeeper to store and mediate updates key configuration information. ZooKeeper can be used for leader election, group membership, configuration maintenance
-ZooKeeper 0.0.1 (2007.11.14)
ZooKeeper is a high available and reliable coordination system. Distributed applications use ZooKeeper to store and mediate updates key configuration information. ZooKeeper can be used for leader election, group membership, configuration maintenance

1 Littelfuse单芯超级电容器保护积体电路用於增强型备用电源解决方案
2 爱德万测试发表V93000 EXA Scale SoC测试系统超高电流电源供应板卡
3 LitePoint携手三星电子进展 FiRa 2.0新版安全测距测试用例
4 [COMPUTEX] 慧荣全新USB显示单晶片 抢攻多萤与超高解析扩充市场
5 Nordic Semiconductor全面推出nRF Cloud设备管理服务
6 长阳生医推出Miicraft光固化3D列印机 协助牙科提升医疗能量
7 安勤为自主机器智能打造新款 AI 工业电脑
8 群联电子推出全新企业级SSD品牌PASCARI及高阶X200 SSD
9 [COMPUTEX] Supermicro机柜级随??即用液冷AI SuperCluster支援NVIDIA Blackwell
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