鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 59
ST新款BlueNRG-2N网路处理器 整合最新Bluetooth 5.0和强化安全性 (2020.10.07)
半导体供应商意法半导体(STMicroelectronics;ST)推出BlueNRG-2N蓝牙5.0认证网路处理器,新产品可降低功耗、支援最新蓝牙功能、提升资料输送量,同时加强隐私安全保护。 BlueNRG-2N网路辅助处理器预装蓝牙通讯协定,可以帮助主控制器建立蓝牙连线
IO-Link技术与意法半导体 (2019.12.27)
物联网简介 (2019.08.21)
意法半导体物联网随??即用模组直连微软Azure (2019.05.24)
意法半导体(STMicroelectronics,简称ST)推出感测器模组SensorTile.box,协助所有人探索物联网真正能力,轻松了解如何收集感测器资讯并发送到云端。 新产品是一个设定灵活的物联网随??即用感测器模组
意法半导体推出超低功耗工业资产管理Sigfox Monarch方案 (2018.10.24)
意法半导体与Objenious合作 加快IoT节点连接LoRa网络 (2017.10.11)
ST BlueCoin即刻在贸泽开售 (2017.09.12)
意法半导体与科大讯飞合作开发中文语音辨识云端服务 (2017.04.06)
意法半导体(STMicroelectronics,ST)与中国语音辨识云端服务供应商科大讯飞推出新款支援中文语音辨识服务的物联网开发平台。 新的开发平台整合意法半导体的SensorTile多感测器模组、STM32开放式开发环境(Open Development Environment,ODE)和含有科大讯飞语音辨识技术的Open
一款跨平台的方程为导向的流程建模,仿真仿真和优化软件工具。-DAE Tools Project (2011.06.18)
一款相当完整的PC代数系统:重点放在符号计算-Maxima -- GPL CAS based on DOE-MACSYMA (2011.04.05)
-EZPhysics (2010.11.05)
EZPhysics API library integrates rigid-body physics pretty graphics. Rigg up skeletal meshes and virtual reality scenes with simulated joints, mass and collision info. Combines ODE, Ogre3D, wxWidgets. Aspires to become a real-time robot simulator
-smib (2010.08.18)
smib is a rustic CAS for linux which handles : symbolic and numeric computation, and a programming language close to mathematical language. In this version : ODE & SDE, new documentation. number theory : infinite size integers
-SciPy: Scientific Library for Python (2010.06.05)
SciPy is package of tools for science and engineering for Python. It includes modules for statistics, optimization, integration, linear algebra, Fourier transforms, signal and image processing, ODE solvers, and more. SciPy is package of tools for science and engineering for Python
-Cain (2010.06.01)
Cain performs stochastic and deterministic simulations of chemical reactions. Cain offers optimized versions of the Gillespie's direct method, Gibson and Bruck's next reaction method, tau-leaping, ODE integration, and direct/tau-leaping hybrid methods
-Erode erode v0.22 (2008.08.04)
Erode is a comprehensive layer over ODE (Open Dynamics Engine) library which allow you to easily create ODE world and visualize them (through Qt widget). It also offers convenient functions to control the appearance, parameters etc
-Erode erode v0.21 (2008.07.07)
Erode is a comprehensive layer over ODE (Open Dynamics Engine) library which allow you to easily create ODE world and visualize them (through Qt widget). It also offers convenient functions to control the appearance, parameters etc
-mesa mesa-1.1 (2008.04.24)
MESA: Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics -- a set of thread-safe fortran 95 libraries for stellar astrophysics, including physics (e.g., eos, opacities, nuclear nets) and algorithms (e.g., multi-D Newton root find, implicit ODE/DAE solvers)
-freebots April2008 (2008.04.11)
A 3D robots simulator written in python. Uses ODE physics and OpenGL/Inventor graphics. A differential wheels robot is provided. There is no user interface but the code is small and is intended to be easily extended for your simulations
-Maxima -- GPL CAS based on DOE-MACSYMA 5.15.0-release-candidate-1 (2008.04.07)
Maxima is a fairly complete computer algebra system written in lisp with an emphasis on symbolic computation. It is based on DOE-MACSYMA and licensed under the GPL. Its abilities include symbolic integration, 3D plotting, and an ODE solver
-Model Builder: Graphical ODE Simulator 0.4.1 (2008.01.23)
Model Builder is a graphical tool for designing, simulating and analyzing Mathematical models consisting of a system of ordinary differential equations(ODEs).

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