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Windows版本的變速器的Qt。是一款著名及簡單和免費的BitTorrent客戶端工具-Transmission-Qt Win (2011.04.13)
vuze(原名Azureus)是使用 BitTorrent 協定的 P2P 文件共享客戶端軟體工具。-Azureus / Vuze (2011.04.05)
vuze(原名Azureus)是使用 BitTorrent 協定的 P2P 文件共享客戶端軟體工具。
一款跨平台可擴展的下載管理器工具-LeechCraft (2011.03.29)
這是一款 BitTorrent 網路客戶端軟體工具。-fktorrent (2011.03.17)
這是一款 BitTorrent 網路客戶端軟體工具。
是一款簡單易用,但功能豐富的BitTorrent客戶端工具,可讓您下載和管理。-uTorrent 2.2.24402 (2011.02.04)
一款 BT 客戶端使用 C + +/ libtorrent 和 Qt4 圖形用戶界面工具。-qBittorrent (2011.02.01)
一款 BT 客戶端使用 C + +/ libtorrent 和 Qt4 圖形用戶界面工具。
一款多平台的圖形用戶界面mldonkey(開源,多平台,多協議P2P客戶端)工具軟體-Rmldonkey (2011.01.24)
一款網際網路視訊播放器工具:允許您選擇多種渠道,訂閱視訊源,並查看集成狀況。-Miro 3.5.1 (2010.12.08)
BitTorrent是一款點對點文件檔案分發系統工具,旨在有效的分配大文件檔案。-BitTorrent 7.2 (2010.11.17)
-zButterfly (2010.10.23)
zButterfly is a BitTorrent client with a powerful search engine. zButterfly is written in Java and based on Vuze (formerly Azureus) client.
一款非常好用的網路視訊播放器軟體工具-Miro 3.5 (2010.10.23)
一款好用的網站.torrent檔案下載與管理的軟體-uTorrent 2.0.4 (2010.10.13)
是一款用 Java 編寫的 BitTorrent 使用者端軟體工具。-Vuze (2010.10.07)
是一款用 Java 編寫的 BitTorrent 使用者端軟體工具。
-RivetTracker (2010.09.22)
RivetTracker is a modified version of PHPBTTracker. Written in PHP, this BitTorrent tracker uses MySQL as the database backend. It provides an RSS feed, optional support for HTTP seeding, detailed connection statistics, easy installation, and much more
-aria2 - CLI Metalink/BitTorrent client (2010.08.30)
aria2 is a utility for downloading files. The supported protocols are HTTP(S),FTP,BitTorrent,Metalink. It can download a file from multiple sources/protocols and tries to utilize your maximum download bandwidth. aria2 is a multi-protocol & multi-source, cross platform download utility
-NexusPHP (2010.08.19)
BitTorrent?娑HP?扳?????押????押??怒?嫘?芥??€?????~??gmail.com AT xiazuojie'?itTorrent?柴??押???潦??萸?嚗???遁HP??啜??嚗€?gmail
-Anomos (2010.08.10)
Anomos is an anonymous, encrypted multi-P2P file sharing protocol, originally based on BitTorrent. See our homepage for more details. Anonymous, Encrypted BitTorrent Secure Tracker and Client Liberty Enhancing Technology Ad-free
一款支援BitTorrent,HTTP及FTP通訊協定的檔案下載與管理工具-BitComet 1.21 (2010.05.29)
-TopBT (2010.05.26)
TopBT (http://topbt.cse.ohio-state.edu ), originally called Top-BT, is a topology-aware BitTorrent client. Compared with current widely-used BitTorrent clients, such as Vuze (Azureus) and uTorrent, TopBT discovers network proximities to connected peers
-Quazaa (2010.05.24)
Quazaa is a cross platform multi-network peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing client based on Shareaza which will support Gnutella2, Ares, eDonkey2000 (eMule), HTTP, FTP, BitTorrent and a new protocol not yet created. Using the QT software development kit True multi-protocol file transfer

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