鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 149
趋势科技:企业应立即修补Samba开放原始码软体漏洞 (2022.02.07)
趋势科技年节期间公开说明其旗下 Zero Day Initiative (ZDI)漏洞悬赏计画,在发现并揭露 Samba 档案分享协定重大漏洞的过程中扮演重要角色,呼吁企业修补相关漏洞为开工日首要任务
QNAP 最新 QTS 4.3.5 正式版登场 (2018.10.01)
威联通科技 (QNAPR Systems, Inc.) 28日发表最新 NAS 作业系统 QTS 4.3.5 正式版,其专注於释放 SSD 最大潜能以因应高网速时代需求为研发主轴,备受用户瞩目和期待。搭配软体定义的网路管理架构和众多新功能,QTS 4.3.5 不仅效能导向,更带来精简而流畅的全新 NAS 体验
没有泄漏帐密就不会被偷?骇客只需一封邮件就能还原你的密码! (2018.04.17)
别再相信「没在钓鱼网页输入帐密就不会被盗」的说法,现在骇客只要发这封邮件就有机会还原你的密码! ASRC研究中心与中华数位科技,曾在2018/03/28,於官方的Line@帐号发布一则即时的恶意邮件警告,其中我们提到一个特性: 「这种恶意邮件的特殊之处在於,当收件人在 Windows 下解开附档,并选取
Linux基金会创立Dronecode项目 推进无人机开发 (2014.10.14)
Linux基金会宣布创立Dronecode项目(Dronecode Project)。该项目将把现有的开源无人机项目和资产整合为一个由Linux基金会管理的非营利性项目,为无人机(UAV)领域打造一个通用、共享的开源平台
打造个人Pi多媒体影音中心 (2013.05.15)
Raspberry Pi(以下简写为Pi)是一款基于Linux系统的只有一张信用卡大小的计算机,价格只要35块美金,便可轻松实现开发者的梦想,然而麻雀虽小但五脏俱全,将Pi连接到你的电视或是接上键盘
一款AD兼容的开源服务器:为小型企业所设计,以管理用户,共享文件,并配置DHCP和DNS。-Resara Server (2011.04.05)
真正的Windows Server更换:它会为您设置Internet和本地域的整体环境,许多服务使用Kerberos。-ECK - Easy Configuration Kit (2011.03.27)
真正的Windows Server更换:它会为您设置Internet和本地域的整体环境,许多服务使用Kerberos。
-sadms (2011.02.02)
Integration of Linux hosts in Active Directory Domain. Make Linux hosts Windows domain hosts, Make Windows domain users Linux users. active directory join samba
-Linfo (2010.11.23)
Very fast cross-platform php script that describes the host server in extreme detail, giving information such as ram usage, disk space, raid arrays, hardware, network cards, kernel, os, samba/cups/truecrypt status, temps, disks, and much more
一款终端机仿真程序工具:让你的主机到书签用自己的正确的连接方法之软件-lterm (2010.11.02)
DocumentBurster是一款文件工具:以合并,分开,分裂和分发 PDF报告-DocumentBurster (2010.10.19)
DocumentBurster是一款文件工具:以合并,分开,分裂和分发 PDF报告
-LG MediaCenter Menu (2010.09.29)
Customization of LG MS400H/MS450H firmware and additional software. Web portal with lot of info in the default web port of LG Order, edit and delete channels History of recordings Read, delete and enter schedulings for recordings Backup/Restore of main configuration files of LG Samba will be available automatically from boot FTP will be available automatically from boot Services page to (start/stop, enable/disable) services
-SMBNetFS (2010.08.06)
SMBNetFS is a Linux/FreeBSD filesystem that allow you to use samba/microsoft network in the same manner as the network neighborhood in Microsoft Windows. Please donate me to help in SMBNetFS development. you can use Samba/Microsoft network as a regular unix filesystem workgroup/computer/share entries are dynamically created windows domain supported you can access any computer in the world per share
让你与其他本地网络PC的短讯息交换工具-My WinPopup Express 2009.02 (2010.02.09)
让你与其他本地网络PC的短讯息交换工具-My WinPopup Express 2009.01 (2009.12.09)
-openLSM openlsm-0.99b (2009.06.13)
openLSM - Web based open source, Linux Server Management(LSM) -LAMP ,FTP,Jabber, Samba,NFS,LDAP and MySQL based virtual hosting, Squid,Backup,Quota,Mail ,spamassassin, mailtable,Asterisk
-Samba SQL password backend modules 0.4-rc1 (2008.07.31)
SQL password backend modules for Samba
-NetDirector NetDirector 3.2.2 (2008.07.31)
NetDirector is a Web-based Linux and Solaris management console providing secure, easy-to-use, one-to-many management of Open Source workgroup servers: HTTP, DNS, DHCP, LDAP, Kerberos, Samba, NFS, FTP, Email, Users and Groups
-PersonalBackup personalbackup-1.11 (2008.07.30)
Personalbackup a company-wide solution for backing up all your Windows machines and Samba shares. Personalbackup uses a web frontend for the users and administrators. No client software is needed at all to pull backups of your critical data
-AutoScan AutoScan 1.28 (2008.07.26)
AutoScan is an application designed to explore and to manage your network. Entire subnets can be scanned simultaneously without human intervention. It features OS detection, automatic network discovery, a nessus client, a Samba share browser

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1 Littelfuse单芯超级电容器保护积体电路用於增强型备用电源解决方案
2 爱德万测试发表V93000 EXA Scale SoC测试系统超高电流电源供应板卡
3 LitePoint携手三星电子进展 FiRa 2.0新版安全测距测试用例
4 Nordic Semiconductor全面推出nRF Cloud设备管理服务
5 长阳生医推出Miicraft光固化3D列印机 协助牙科提升医疗能量
6 群联电子推出全新企业级SSD品牌PASCARI及高阶X200 SSD
7 安勤为自主机器智能打造新款 AI 工业电脑
8 COMPUTEX 2024丽台科技高阶WinFast Mini AI工作站全球首次亮相
9 凌华全新ASD+企业系列SSD固态硬碟重塑大数据应用高效安全储存
10 贸泽电子即日起供货STMicroelectronics的 VL53L4ED飞行时间近接感测器


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