相關物件共 8
[評析]天秤的兩端 - SONY與聯想 (2014.02.09)
自2014年一月底開始到現在,全球科技產業一直接連丟出震撼彈,先是聯想先後併購IBM x86伺服器部門與摩托羅拉手機事業部,其後SONY也決定出脫PC部門與VAIO品牌,出售給日本投資基金「Japan Industrial Partners Inc.(JIP)」,意欲擺說連年虧損的窘境
筆電出貨跌不休 SONY狠心斷尾 (2014.02.07)
SONY新計畫 出售PC脫離電視業務 (2014.02.06)
Sony在今(6)日終於確認,要將不斷虧損的PC部門以及VAIO品牌以500億日幣的價格賣給投資基金「Japan Industrial Partners Inc. (JIP)」,此外SONY也正在考慮要退出海外的PC市場。同時SONY也決定重整電視部門,將其獨立成立一間單獨的子公司,而後全力專注於智慧手機市場
-Java Interactive Profiler 1.1.1 (2008.01.10)
JIP is a high performance, low overhead profiler that is written entirely in Java. JIP gives the developer the ability to turn the profiler on and off while the VM is running. You can also filter out classes and packages as well as control the output
-Java Interactive Profiler 1.1 Beta 1 (2007.04.11)
JIP is a high performance, low overhead profiler that is written entirely in Java. JIP gives the developer the ability to turn the profiler on and off while the VM is running. You can also filter out classes and packages as well as control the output
-Java Interactive Profiler 1.0.7 final (2006.06.26)
JIP is a high performance, low overhead profiler that is written entirely in Java. JIP gives the developer the ability to turn the profiler on and off while the VM is running. You can also filter out classes and packages as well as control the output
-Java Interactive Profiler 1.0.4 (2006.04.21)
JIP is a high performance, low overhead profiler that is written entirely in Java. JIP gives the developer the ability to turn the profiler on and off while the VM is running. You can also filter out classes and packages as well as control the output
Java手機瀏覽器軟體問世 (2004.10.08)
日本手機的應用始終領先全球,日前(10/1)又有廠商率先推出在手機上運行的瀏覽器軟體 - jig瀏覽器。這是由日本手機應用程式公司Jip所開發的,該軟體為手機Java平臺上的Java應用程式,可直接顯示i-mode和EZweb的標準瀏覽器

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