CTIMES / 電子科技
管理美國網路廣告的組織 - IAB

IAB是Internet Activities Board的簡稱,意即美國網路廣告組織,是一個專門管理與觀察美國網路廣告活動的一個機構。
MachXO2 Pico Development Kit (2012.04.13)
The MachXO2 Pico Development Kit is a battery-powered, low-cost evaluation platform to accelerate the evaluation of MachXO2 PLDs. The kit features the MachXO2-1200ZE device, a 7-segment LCD display, I2C temperature sensor and an expansion header for I2C, JTAG, and GPIO interfacing
Lattice HDR-60 Video Camera Development Kit Manager Devices (2012.04.13)
The Lattice HDR-60 Video Camera Development Kit is a fully production ready High Dynamic Range (HDR) camera, designed to fit into commercially available camera housings. The hardware is designed to support full 1080p resolution at 60 frames per second in streaming mode through the FPGA, without the need for any external frame buffer
LatticeECP3 Versa Development Kit Manager Devices (2012.04.13)
The LatticeECP3 Versa Development Kit is the industry's lowest cost design platform for building leading edge systems in a variety of markets such as industrial networking, industrial automation, computing, medical equipment, defense, and consumer electronics
Platform Manager Devices (2012.04.13)
The Platform Manager™ product family represents the third-generation of mixed-signal devices available from Lattice. Programmable Platform Manager devices simplify board management design significantly by integrating programmable analog and logic to support many common functions, such as power management, digital housekeeping and glue logic
Power Manager II Hercules Development Kit (2012.04.13)
The Power Manager II Hercules Development Kits are versatile,ready to use hardware platforms for evaluating and designing with Power Manager II devices. A Standard and Advanced Edition of each kit is available. Using the preloaded Board Digital Management design provided with the development kit, you can test within minutes power management functions such as power supply hot swap control, redundant supply selection and payload power management
Processor PM Development Kit (2012.04.13)
Get started integrating multiple power management ICs fast with the ProcessorPM Development Kit. The kit is a versatile, ready to use hardware platform for evaluating and designing with ProcessorPM power management devices. The kit is based on a 2
Lattice ispMACH 4000ZE Evaluation Board (2012.04.13)
This board is designed to help you quickly evaluate the ispMACH 4000ZE, prototype your designs, check performance and verify power consumption.
Lattice ispMACH 4000ZE Pico Development Kit (2012.04.13)
The ispMACH 4000ZE Pico Development Kit is a battery-powered, low-cost platform to accelerate the evaluation of ispMACH 4000ZE CPLDs. The kit features the ispMACH 4256ZE-MN144 device, Power Manager II ispPAC-POWR6AT6 device, a high-side current sense circuit, a 7-segment LCD display, and an expansion header landing for I2C, JTAG, and GPIO interfacing
Lattice MachXO Mini Development Kit (2012.04.13)
The MachXO Mini Development Kit is an easy to use, low-cost platform to accelerate the evaluation of MachXO PLDs. The kit features the MachXO LCMXO2280 device, 2 Mbit SPI Flash and 1 Mbit SRAM memory, a temperature sensor, an expansion header for I2C and SPI interfaces, and several LEDs and user switches
「最像人類」機器人 擁有65種表情 (2012.04.13)
電影「我的女友是機器人」情境即將成真,香港日前於一個購物中心,以一位日俄混血的美女機器人作為櫥窗模特兒,吸引許多路人的停留注目,並爭相拍照留念。此款機器人名為Geminoid F,動作、表情如同真人,不僅會能做出65種臉部表情,還能真人發聲對話,引吭高歌
從體驗經濟到互動科技 (2012.04.12)
市場上最高價的產品,不是貨物,也不是服務,而是絕無僅有的體驗, 體驗的價值,可以是10塊錢,也可以是2億元, 怎麼創造?如何達成?互動,是最關鍵的途徑。
十年抗戰 中國電動車大躍進? (2012.04.12)
石油50年、天然氣100年、媒200年, 溫室效應、臭氧層遭破壞、冰山融化, 在有限的資源即將耗盡、環境因能源使用而嚴重污染的情況下, 兼具節能及零炭排放量的電動
解讀連網汽車DNA (2012.04.12)
連網汽車(Connected Car)在順勢成長下潛力驚人, 全球汽車大廠為搶得先機,暗中角力,可謂各擅勝場, 通往未來世界的汽車大戰早已在無聲無息的煙硝中開打。
新一代視訊會議 (2012.04.11)
(Leo Chen)

熱管理是系統設計的關鍵部分。 而瞭解電路板上某些位置的溫度對於監測系統的運作狀況也很有用處。凌力爾特的溫度監測器產品系列可使一個連接二極體的通用電晶體作為一個準確度達 1°C 的溫度感測器,從而滿足應用需求
Xilinx推出搭載收發器FPGA產品 (2012.04.11)
賽靈思(Xilinx)日前宣佈,Virtex-7 X690T FPGA開始出貨,結合業界最可靠的高速序列收發器、最高的系統頻寬、以及各種針對特定市場進行最佳化的FPGA資源。 Virtex-7 X690T FPGA是7系列中率先問市的元件,鎖定各種進階高效能的有線通訊應用,如低功耗的單晶片解決方案
TI 多核心 DSP 提供低功耗、高成本效益解決方案 (2012.04.11)
德州儀器 (TI)日前宣佈,推出三款植基於 KeyStone 多核心架構、採用 TMS320C66x 數位訊號處理器 (DSP) 系列的最新裝置,可提供使用簡易與不犧牲效能的業界最低功耗解決方案
Tektronix示波器榮獲測試量測系統和電路板類ACE獎 (2012.04.11)
Tektronix日前宣佈,該公司MDO4000混合域示波器系列榮獲《EE Times and EDN》雜誌測試量測系統和電路板類2012年UBM電子ACE獎。該獎項旨在表彰正在改變著世界電子技術和產品的人員和公司
Fairchild與Infineon簽訂車用MOSFET 封裝技術協議 (2012.04.11)
英飛凌 (Infineon) 和快捷半導體 (Fairchild)日前宣佈,針對英飛凌先進的車用 MOSFET 封裝技術 H-PSOF(帶散熱器的塑膠小型扁平引腳封裝)簽訂授權協議,該技術是符合 JEDEC 標準的 TO 無導線封裝 (MO-299)
無線感測網路將驅動物聯網發展 (2012.04.10)
結合無數具IP功能的設備、RFID標籤、無線感測網路、機器對機器(M2M)通訊、iPhone手機應用程式、空白電視頻段及雲端運算,便能夠具體實現物聯網(IoT, Internet of Things)

1 國研院20週年院慶 展望未來技術創新向前行
2 建構長照產業鏈勢在必行 善用科技輔助活化效益
3 GE科學家展示超高溫SiC MOSFET效能 承受超過800 ℃
4 imec最新成果:合金薄膜電阻首度超越銅和釕
5 友達號召供應鏈齊力減塑 宣示朝塑膠中和邁進
6 臺首枚自製氣象衛星「獵風者」起運 預計9月發射升空
7 [COMPUTEX] USB-IF:要讓USB更易用 同時也更容易識別
8 國科會114年度科技預算增至1800億元 拓展AI晶片與資安實力
9 2023創博會匯聚前瞻科技 10/12即將開場
10 攜手格芯 Microchip開始量產28奈米SuperFlash嵌入式快閃記憶體


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