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PTC為通用存取工程計算推出Mathcad Gateway解決方案 (2016.02.02)
PTC公司推出 PTC Mathcad Gateway 解決方案。隨著PTC Mathcad工程軟體銷售量突破一百萬,現在PTC Mathcad Gateway結合PTC Mathcad的效能,可透過各種不同的裝置隨時隨地進行存取計算。此解決方案提供一伺服器軟體,讓所有處理工程計算的使用者皆擁有通用存取權限,同時保護了企業的智慧財產
一款數位繪畫編輯器工具:允許您創建寫意畫圖和繪圖板及各種數位油漆刷。-MyPaint 0.9.0 (2010.11.04)
思渤 (2009.09.04)
CYBERNET SYSTEMS TAIWAN思渤科技股份有限公司,成立於2008年7月,為日CYBERNET SYSTEMS公司於亞太地區的經營據點。 思渤科技以提供專業的工程研發解決方案為經營理念,並提供專業銷售、教育訓練、技術支援及各項資訊交流服務
前景光明!LED驅動IC再攀高峰 (2009.04.02)
CODE V & LightTools Optical Design 前瞻技術高峰會 (2009.03.23)
ORA (Optical Research Associates)與思渤科技將舉辦台灣年度盛會--2009年【CODE V & LightTools Optical Design 前瞻技術高峰會】。除了美國ORA 原廠高階主管外,今年度特別邀請日本最大 CAE 公司 CYBERNET SYSTEMS 公司資深工程師,親自傳授日本最新光學設計技巧,以及 CODE V 如何與其他 CAE 工具的整合
思渤科技提供LED燈二次光學設計客製化服務 (2009.02.03)
日本CYBERNET在台子公司—思渤科技(CYBERNE SYSTEMS),宣布將提供LED燈二次光學設計客製化專案服務。本項培訓服務主要針對LED相關設計及製造商,思渤引進光學設計大廠ORA公司之先進技術,提供LED燈光學設計、LED光源模型以及二次光學設計之顧問諮詢服務,並提供後續的工程訓練課程等等
-Objectreferenceanalyser 2.31 (2008.08.08)
Objectreferenceanalyser (ORA) helps finding memory leaks, design weaknesses and bugs. The ORA-Framework visualizes objects, their content and relations during runtime of any Java application and is able to persist these findings for subsequent analyze
-Objectreferenceanalyser 2.30 (2008.07.16)
Objectreferenceanalyser (ORA) helps finding memory leaks, design weaknesses and bugs. The ORA-Framework visualizes objects, their content and relations during runtime of any Java application and is able to persist these findings for subsequent analyze
CODE V & LightTools Optical Design高峰會 (2008.03.17)
全球最具盛名之光學成像及照明設計/分析技術領導大廠-ORA(Optical Research Associates)與鈦思科技將舉辦第5屆【CODE V & LightTools Optical Design 前瞻技術高峰會】;此年度盛會將讓您更深入了解CODE V 9.81及LightTools 6.0之最新功能
-Objectreferenceanalyser 2.0 (2008.02.26)
Objectreferenceanalyser (ORA) helps finding memory leaks, design weaknesses and bugs. The ORA-Framework visualizes objects, their content and relations during runtime of any Java application and is able to persist these findings for subsequent analyze
-NemesisRD Source NemesisRD v1.7 (2008.01.25)
This product is a multi-purpose, cross-platform library written in C++ to help you to develop distributed applications. It is composed by modules: NemesisRD.comm, NemesisRD.http, NemesisRD.dbms, NemesisRD.dbms.oracle, NemesisRD
-Ora Logger ora-logger Beta 0.51 (2007.09.21)
Advanced logging application/system for Oracle.
-Objectreferenceanalyser 1.01 (2007.07.09)
The ORA-Framework (Objectreferenceanalyser) can visualizes objects and their relations in memory during runtime of nearly every JAVA-application. It enables developers to take lightweight 'snapshots' of the current objects in memory
-Objectreferenceanalyser 0.9952 (2007.02.20)
The ORA-Framework (Objectreferenceanalyser) can visualizes objects and their relations in memory during runtime of nearly every JAVA-application. It enables developers to take lightweight 'snapshots' of the current objects in memory
-GTK Ora 1.41 (2006.07.11)
Oracle / GTK2 interface for Oracle SQL dev/testing. Schema browser, SQL highlight w/ bind variable set; plan tree w/ integrated stat peeking. Supports SQL retrieval from v$sqlarea, statspack, and 10g AWR; stmt history tracking in AWR; full AWR reports
-GTK Ora 1.29 (2006.04.26)
Oracle / GTK2 interface for Oracle SQL dev/testing. Schema browser, SQL highlight w/ bind variable set; plan tree w/ integrated stat peeking. Supports SQL retrieval from v$sqlarea, statspack, and 10g AWR; stmt history tracking in AWR; full AWR reports
光學成像及照明系統設計技術論壇 (2006.03.21)
全球最具盛名之光學成像及照明設計/分析技術領導大廠-ORA® (Optical Research Associates),將與鈦思科技於3月28日(週二)、3月29日(週三) 假台北六福皇宮舉辦第3屆【CODE V® & LightTools® Optical Design 亞太科技論壇】;此技術論壇旨在協助台灣光學研發工程師們與全球尖端技術同步
-GTK Ora 1.10 (2006.02.23)
Oracle / GTK2 interface for Oracle SQL dev/testing. Schema browser, SQL highlight w/ bind variable set; plan tree w/ integrated stat peeking. Supports SQL retrieval from v$sqlarea, statspack, and 10g AWR; stmt history tracking in AWR; full AWR reports
鈦思正式跨足光學影像設計領域 (2004.03.10)
全球光學影像設計/分析軟體 Optical Research Associates日前宣佈,自2004年三月一日起,已正式指定鈦思科技公司為其知名光學設計軟體- CodeV及照明系統設計軟體-LightTools在台之獨家代理商
威達電採用甲骨文e化系統解決方案 (2003.10.31)
甲骨文台灣分公司於31日宣佈最新客戶e化整合方案。Oracle指出,該公司將協助工業電腦廠商威達電建置完整的e化系統,從企業資源規劃到未來的營運情報決策系統都採用Oracle的eBusiness Suite為核心,作為企業營運升級「百威計劃」的根基

     [1]  2   [下一頁]

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2 u-blox新推兩款精巧型模組內建最新Nordic藍牙晶片
3 安勤專為工業和通信領域推出ECM-ASL 3.5吋嵌入式單板電腦
4 igus推出輕量化ReBeL協作機器人仿生手
5 凌華搭載Intel Amston-Lake模組化電腦適用於強固型邊緣解決方案
6 皮爾磁全新PIT oe ETH元件具備可啟用乙太網路連接埠護資安
7 意法半導體新款雙向電流感測放大器可提升工業和汽車應用效益
8 Vicor於 WCX 2024展示適用於48V區域架構的模組化電源轉換方案
9 Microchip安全觸控螢幕控制器系列新品提供加密驗證和資料加密功能
10 ST高成本效益無線連接晶片 讓eUSB配件、裝置和工控設備擺脫電線羈絆


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