相關物件共 16
賽局理論與反應系統 (2009.03.04)
允許用戶構建複雜的 macro 指令和按鍵/滑鼠錄音,可分配熱鍵,或按計劃運行之工具。-MacroMaker (2009.02.17)
允許用戶構建複雜的 macro 指令和按鍵/滑鼠錄音,可分配熱鍵,或按計劃運行之工具。
-DL-Learner Build 2008-02-18 (2008.02.19)
DL-Learner is a tool for learning concepts in Description Logics (DLs) from user-provided examples. Equivalently, it can be used to learn classes in OWL ontologies from selected objects.
-GreenSQL stable (2008.02.19)
GreenSQL is a database firewall engine used to protect Open Source Databases from SQL injection attacks. It works in proxy mode. Application logics is based on evaluating of SQL commands using risk score factors, as well as b
-jCOLIBRI: CBR Framework jCOLIBRI 2.1 (2008.01.24)
jCOLIBRI: an object-oriented framework in Java for building Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) systems. Supports Textual-CBR, Knowledge Intensive CBR with Description Logics reasoning through Ontologies, Web interfaces, evaluation of the generated applications
-SIM-DL (SimCat) SIM-DL Server: balou (beta; command line) (2007.10.20)
SIM-DL: Semantic Similarity Measurement Server for concepts (and individuals) represented using (expressive) Description Logics (DL).
-SIM-DL (SimCat) sim-dl protege plugin (alpha2) (2007.08.08)
SIM-DL: Semantic Similarity Measurement Server for concepts (and individuals) represented using (expressive) Description Logics (DL).
-jCOLIBRI: CBR Framework jCOLIBRI 2 (2007.08.08)
jCOLIBRI: an object-oriented framework in Java for building Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) systems. Supports Textual-CBR, Knowledge Intensive CBR with Description Logics reasoning through Ontologies, Web interfaces, evaluation of the generated applications
-GreenSQL 0.1 (2007.06.27)
GreenSQL is a database firewall engine used to protect Open Source Databases from SQL injection attacks. It works in proxy mode. Application logics is based on evaluating of SQL commands using risk score factors, as well as b
虹晶提供多樣化高整合度SoC開發驗證平台 (2007.03.15)
SoC設計服務暨IP銷售廠商虹晶科技,一直以來不斷致力於ARM926EJ及ARM7EJ CPU核心技術的優化,針對目前市場需求不同所量身訂做,適用於各不同領域的平台解決方案。為了加速SoC開發者之硬體整合設計、軟體開發驗證以及系統應用整合設計
-ajaxnet4j beta (2006.09.19)
ajaxnet4j is a Java implementation of the famous Ajax.NET Professional library. With the help of it, you can concentrate on server-side business logics, and client-side user experiences, and don't have to spend much time on connection between two sides
-JSON-RPC-PAGE 0.1 (2005.07.17)
JRP stands for JSON-RPC JSP tag library. It allows JSP authors to implement JSON-RPC service logics in the well-known JSP tag syntax.
軟/硬體的正規(formal)驗證 (2003.03.05)
巨積公佈最新財報 公司虧損已獲改善 (2002.10.25)
據外電報導,半導體業者巨積(LSI Logics)日前公佈最新財報,該公司2002年度第三季(7~9月)營收達4.87億美元,較上一季及2001年度同期各成長11%、23%;淨損達2,800萬美元,每股淨損達0.07美元,優於前季的6,200萬美元、0.17美元
奇普仕 (2002.06.04)
奇普仕股份有限公司創立於1991年,在電子相關產業急驟變化的環境中,公司為求滿足客戶需求共榮共存的宗旨,除台北總公司外,香港也於 1995 年成立分公司。 公司組織結構於總經理下設經營秘書室、稽核室
奇普士與錦星策略聯盟 (2001.12.04)

1 安立知擴展Inline感測器系列 推出低頻峰值功率感測器MA24103A
2 明緯推出XLN/XLC系列:25W/40W/60W智能調光LED驅動電源
3 恩智浦新型互聯MCX W無線MCU系列適用於智慧工業和物聯網裝置
4 u-blox新推兩款精巧型模組內建最新Nordic藍牙晶片
5 Microchip推出搭配Kudelski IoT keySTREAM的ECC608 TrustMANAGER
6 安勤專為工業和通信領域推出ECM-ASL 3.5吋嵌入式單板電腦
7 igus推出輕量化ReBeL協作機器人仿生手
8 ROHM新增3款6432尺寸金屬板分流電阻PMR100系列產品
9 凌華搭載Intel Amston-Lake模組化電腦適用於強固型邊緣解決方案
10 意法半導體新款雙向電流感測放大器可提升工業和汽車應用效益


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